Overall I found the mise en scene absolutely beautiful within Casablanca, from the luxuries of silk and table runners sold on Morocco’s streets to the outfits for the actors and light and shadows illuminating Ingrid’s beautiful facial features. This produces diegsis for the world back in 1941 in Morocco during WW2.
Interior Set & props
The atmosphere of Ricks club comes to life through the interior set, designed so the balance and composition of the screen fills up to show how popular and loved this site is by the people of Morocco. This also works well to enhance a contrast for when Rick is alone in his club, sometimes with Ilsa. This works so well that even though the film is in black and white, you can imagine the variance of bright colours of Ricks club. Understandable props such as maps of Morocco and older telephones help bring the authentic feel of the 40’s to the viewers, however this only applies to the more modern days as this was considered normal to those who watched this when it first came out. Viewers feel as is Ricks club feels like this is the cafĂ© they go to every evening with the same crowd of people enjoying their time there.

Lighting and Shadows
Black and white film heavily relies on lighting to produce a contrast that is most pleasant to the spectators, but also produce anticipation, and especially in the following picture, seclusiveness as we can see Rick’s shadow take valuables out of a safe that we cannot see, but the other character can representing their relationship with one another, as well as the spectators relationship with Rick- a man who is unreadable and unpredictable. This brings more excitement to viewers as there is a slight feel of exclusivity to see ricks actions, but also a pull away from who he really is as a character, subconsciously letting doubt of mind take over.

Costumes really bring together the feel of Morocco’s heat and era of time which explains the particular dress code that is seen. Spectators may also also notice the variance of costumes due to travellers and natives who seek refuge in Morocco.

Exterior Location
This also brings together the feel of Morocco, even though it was filmed in California. Verisimilitude is created as the spectators are reminded of the busyness and bustle of the streets, taking away the sad idea of having to seek refuge in America due to Nazi’s invading.