young people- throughout the movie they are all young adults not middle aged. this showed their immaturity throughout the movie because they never seem to take ant form of responsibility for things, e.g. when the baby died they just didn’t care about it and just left it alone.
old people- the more older people in this movie tent to be care givers to the young adults and they seem to be unaware of how bad the situation actually is, like Renton’s parents trying to take care of him when he overdoses and when the young girls parents are fully unaware their daughter slept with a man.
working class- in the middle of the film we can see that Renton is trying to start a new life selling houses at a very small wedge. so he can earn a living and move on with his life. during this time he has a very small grotty flat, he is also living off noodles, but he doesn’t seem to care as he seems happy and wants to move on with his life.
Scottish people- this movie really sets a tone on what it is like in the bad areas of Scotland. at the beginning of the movie, with vodka in his hand. they all start to complain about how bad it is to be Scottish and they are pretty much worthless because of where they are from .
women- the women in this movie are all glammed up throughout and are not drug addicts like the men. they follow the rules and are usually very attractive, except the fact that Diane is a minor she is an attractive young girl that caught Renton’s eye. the women seem to not care about what the men do and do not show up heavily in the movie.
men- the men in this movie all all addicted to drugs and seem to get themselves in trouble a lot with the police, they cannot get jobs as they lack education and also do not have a stable place to stay anymore since thy got involved in drugs and addiction. they are usually unaware that what they are doing is wrong and it gets them in even more trouble through out this movie.