English People: Being English in the Film means many different things and is important to the plot. A lot of the themes of the movie are based around being English and one of the goals Sean realising what it means to be English.

Younger people: The younger people of this is England are seen as kind and looking out for people in similar situotians to them such as Woody looking out for Shaun when he was told he was bullied.

Older People: The older people of this is England are often presented as racist and refuse to change. This is depicted by Combos character leading a racist movement and influencing Shaun in a wrong way.

Black and Asian people: Mostly represented by milky, they are often discriminated by characters like combo. For example we see this when Combo and his gang threaten to stab a Pakistani child over a football whilst yelling slurs at him.

Men: Men are often represented in the film as role models for what Shaun wants to be like. Due to Shaun’s lack of a father figure, he looks up to people like woody, when he begins to look up combo we see how his personality changes and he is reflective of those around him.

Woman: Woman in this is England are scene as kind and caring for those around them. This is brought up with Shaun’s mum as she is constantly worried about Shaun and cares for him. We also see this with the character of Smell who acts as Shaun’s girlfriend throughout the movie and makes him feel better.