This Is England Representation

Young People are represented as being vulnerable and easy to influence. For example, Combo manages to convince Shaun with little to no difficulty to believe in his racist ideologies.

Older People are represented as both being responsible concerned about the younger generation, as well as being represented as unwilling to move on from the past and wanting things to remain how they used to be. The examples of these are Shaun’s mum, who gets worried after his head is shaved, and Combo, who refuses to accept the fact people of different races can and should be treated like human beings.

Working class people are represented as being isolated and excluded because of their social class. This is shown through Shaun at the beginning of the film, where he is constantly bullied by other people because of materialistic things like the size of his trousers.

English people are represented to be quite nationalistic and proud of their origins, although they dislike the Prime Minister. This is seen with Combo’s right-wing gang, who carry around the English flag with them everywhere and treat it as if it were a god.

Asian and Black people are represented as being helpless and defenceless against racists, as many people in the time setting still held discriminatory beliefs, and acted violently towards people of non-English descent. Examples include the young boys playing football and the shopkeeper, who are intimidated by Combo and listen to what he says in order to stop themselves getting hurt.

Men are represented as being aware of masculine ideologies of what they ‘should’ look and behave like. This is seen primarily when Shaun begins to cry after Combo attacks Milky, to which Combo shouts at him, stating that “men don’t cry”.

Women are represented to be powerful and unafraid, acting as a countertype to stereotypes of women in the 80s. An example of this is when Lol rejects any kind of relationship with Combo, even though she knows what he is capable of and the likes of Woody are afraid of him. The fact he is older than her and is male would create the stereotypical expectation that he’d be stronger, although we see him get upset and powerless once she leaves.

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