Young people:
Through the character of Shawn. Young people are portrayed as vulnerable being easily manipulated by the wrong people. As he went from an innocent boy to a racist by Combo using his dead dad to convince him.
Older people:
Older people in This is England are presented as parental figures to the character Shawn however this is shown in different ways. example his mother being the stereotypical parent while Woody and Combo are a lot more harsh and manly supporting Shawn in other parts of his life filling in for his missing father.
English people:
English people within the film are seen as divided socially and politically. This can be seen through the first film where Shawn’s first interactions with English people is him being mocked for his trousers. As well as the scene in the car where Combo gets angry at one of the passengers when he disagrees with his political beliefs.
Asian/black people:
Minorities are portrayed as unfairly treated within the film. This can be shown by the scene where a group of Indians are threatened with a dagger for just playing football. as well as when Combo and Milky bond over music showing that the racism is unnecessary and un deserved.
Men are portrayed stereotypically in this film being overly aggressive and tough. However the film makes effort to show how they are pressured to be this way when Combo tells Shawn that “real men don’t cry” presenting a problem with toxic masculinity.
Women in this movie are side-lined not getting as much development as the male characters. This could be intentional however as young boys are more likely to join theses types of groups than young girls being a movie more addressed to a male audience and their issues.