Use of sound: Shane Meadows use of sound is used to invoke emotion within the viewer. We see this through the use of his score composed by Ludovico Einaudi which play’s to show the negative effects that Combo has on Shaun.

Use of editing: The main way editing is used in the movie is through the various montages. The main one is when Combo and his friends go around and commit crimes against minorities. This immediately shows us the type of man Combo is and the extent he will go to.

Use of Cinematography: A lot of the camera shots in this movie are either close ups or handheld camera shots. This creates a sense of realism within the world and immerses the watcher.

Use of lighting: The lighting in the film is predominately dark and gloomy so reflect the area and tone of the movie. This becomes more prevalent when Combo is introduced and we see in his montage going throughout the grimy areas and committing racist acts.

Set design: The set design uses a lot of old and worn down looking props and areas to accurately display the working class areas of England in the 1980’s. The significance of the run down town is important to understanding why the character feel the way they do.

Costumes: All the costumes the character wear have significance to the plot. For example, the skinheads