This is England micro elements

mise en scene:

When Shawn joins Combos side. This scene uses a darkly lit dirty alleyway which portrays the dark turn of the movie and the seriousness of what Shawn has gotten into.


In the ending scene CU shots of Shawn are used to show how he feels betrayed and is used to connect to the viewer to send a message about how harmful racism can be.


Sound is used in many ways to set the tone of the movie. Firstly needle drops of iconic English songs are used to immerse the audience in the setting. As well as a piano track that plays during the football and ending scene which gives a sad tone furthering the serious message to the viewer.


In the beginning of the film. A montage is used to introduce the time period and place showing both the good and bad sides of England setting up the political conflict that has a big role in the film.

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