script 1 min film

location: millennium park

cast: Josh wright, Nigel mucufanny, Joseph raffio-curd, me

film date: 21/11/2023


opens with close shot of a bathroom stall door

character 1: knocks on door

character 2: im coming im coming

leaves bathroom

character 1: man i hate homeless people

character 2: that’s for true

character 3 (homeless): sitting on the floor

character 1: ew a homeless person

character 3: thats not nice im a person too

character 2: a poor one

character 3: well i have news for you…

character 1 and 2 (confused)

character 3: i am elon musk and i was giving out free teslas, but you wont get any

character 1 and 2 (shocked)

character 3: i just bought your homes, now you’re the homeless ones

character 1 and 2 (now homeless)

character 4: can i have a tesla

character 3: yes

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