we see young people in the bar scene, where we get to see how careless they can be, as shown by the fight

we see older people briefly throughout the movie such as marks parents, who are always there to help him, even if he doesnt realise it, such as when they keep him in his room, but only for his own safety. this shows that they are more mature and caring than the younger generation, as they have lived longer lives.
working class people are shown such as when we are shown when mark has a job, and we get to see all the details of working class life for him.
we are shown Scottish people all throughout the film and as mark says ‘we are the scum of the earth’
we are shown addicts in a very not so subtle way in this film showing how they get hooked, and what comes with it, and what they do, as well as how they come crashing down along with everything around them.
men are represented in this movie as being quite immature and almost childish, who get annoyed or easily get into fights or start them. they are often shown as having lack of self respect or not coping well with emotions.
women are mostly shown as side characters in the film, except from Diane who easily keeps control of mark, and shows how she is more dominant than him.