Danny Boyle uses sound in Trainspotting during the nightclub scene, in which the audience see both the club itself where the men are sat, in comparison to the bathroom of the club where the women are speaking to each other. In the club, the music is so loud that it takes over as the primary audio source from the dialogue, leading to the use of subtitles. The bathroom, on the other hand, prioritises dialogue over music, as they are separated from the room where the music is at its loudest. This creates a contrast between the two settings for the audience.
Boyle uses cuts in the scene where Renton overdoses and sinks into a carpet to switch between POV shots of what Mark can see while on heroin (with both sides of the sunken carpet taking up parts of the frame) and shots of what is actually happening.

In one of the final scenes of the film, the composition of this shot tells the audience that the offscreen damage to the room has been done by Begbie in addition to the further damage he does in this scene. The fact he is alone in the room further proves he is the one responsible.

A worm’s eye view shot is used when London is first presented to the audience in the film, to reinforce its grandiose and high-class appearance in comparison to what is seen of Scotland.