mise en scene:
In the toilet scene, set design is used to create a dirty, disgusting and dark atmosphere that displays how awful his life has got to where he he has lost all standards through drug addiction.

At the beginning and end of the movie. A contrasting narration is given showing his progression throughout the film. In the beginning he lists many things that the average person does in life in an ill mannered tone showing how he sees life as a burden that he would rather escape through drugs. At the end he gives a similar narration but in a more optimistic tone once he’s clean. Showing how he ready to live a normal life and is excited to try new things.
In this scene. Where he is hallucinating after going off drugs. A canted angle is used to show his paranoia as he sees people he knows through visions and realizes how much he negatively effected them.

In the opening scene, many different scene are edited together in a montage to introduce Renton’s life. The first being him and his friends running off showing how his life is chaotic. The other being them playing football showing how close they all are. And finally Renton by himself smoking showing how he can feel lonely through his addiction.