My favourite films soundtrack is from Spider-Man into the Spider verse, made in 2018 it was directed by Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman and Bob Persichetti.
This is because the use of a shepherd’s tone in the establishing scene creates an immersive build up to suspense of Spider-Mans eventual reveal, it is creatively done by the composer Daniel Pemberton.

Another example of Pemberton’s work on the the film can be seen with the ‘Prowlers theme’, because the character is an ominous figure, Pemberton used distorted elephant noises to create a siren effect that acts as a Leitmotif to whenever he is present.

Another seen is the use of a sound bridge of both orchestral and jukebox music to create a connection to the hero, Miles’ personality and identity to himself and the role as Spider-Man. By merging the score “Mile’s theme” and the song “what’s up danger” by black caviar and Blackway it creates an intense comeuppance of his new found confidence for the power and responsibility he has been given.