Joker first response

I would give the film an 8/10. I really liked the use of mise en scene specifically the lighting which i felt really strengthened the story as it progressed. Though the story was quite dark I felt that it was very thought provoking and was interesting to see Arthurs progression into the Joker.

Video Editing (Cuts)

L-Cuts are when the camera cuts from the subject who is talking to a different subject(s) whilst the audio remains.

J-Cuts are when the audience hears the second clip before hearing the audio attached.

The scene where the Arthur is in therapy utilises a L-Cut shot where the therapist is speaking and the camera cuts to Arthur listening, whilst the studio of the therapist continues.

The scene with Arthur and his Mother uses a J-Cut shot, this is because they hear the introductory music to the Murray show and it cuts their conversation and draws attention to the next shot, being Murray in his show.

Activity 1 Moonlight

Diegetic – This is medium close up shot of Little, this shot forces the audience to focus on Littles side profile and his expression in relation to the emotion he feels in the rising action of Moonlight. This makes the audience feel a connection to the subject in order to sympathise and relate to the troubles Little experiences in early life.

Intra Diegetic – This shot allows the audience to adopt Chiron viewpoint looking at Kevin, this paints Chiron as a vulnerable and troubled person. By looking through Chiron’s perspective the audience feels a sense of regret from Kevin as he doesn’t want to hit us.

Extra Diegetic- This shot allows the subject to break the 4th wall, as Kevin looks past the camera as if he is looking at us, the audience. This abolishes the personal relationship we formed with Black and instead we are shocked with a sense of reality as we realise we are just on lookers experiencing the story.