
Picture 1- This is a medium shot where Little’s mid-torso to the top of his head are in the centre of screens focus. This creates a personal connection between us and Little as our eyelines are on the same level. I find it isolates the both of us together, which enhances our connection and feelings of empathy towards Little.
Picture 2- This is between a long shot and medium long shot, where little is once again in the centre of frame. This time we face the side of his body, but still in his peripheral vision. This indicates he is focused in the action he is doing (eating at the table) which isolates us from him, unlike the previous picture. It almost makes us feel like we aren’t seen by Chiron which makes us realise we are just watching his story, instead of participating in it. This may emphasise his loneliness.
Picture 3- This is a Close up, which clearly shows Chiron’s emotion during an intense scene. However this also shows a confident side of himself as he is exposed rather than hidden away.

Pictures 1,2 & 3- This is a 360 Tracking shot, where the camera circles these characters multiple times. This creates action and liveliness in the street where business is partaking. Our eyes are constantly moving onto both characters meaning we experience many blind spots where something could spontaneously occur, catching us by suprise.

Pictures 4,5 & 6- This movement is called a free camera, where the person who is filming seems to be handholding and running with the camera. This gives a very shaky and intense scene which snaps us into reality of this experience Little is going through. it makes us feel as if we are running behind him, which intensifies our adrenaline.

Pictures 7,8,9,10 & 11- This is a pan shot, where our focus is directed from Chiron, to his bully, back to Chiron. This almost represents the tension between the two characters as if we were another classmate witnessing this. This creates a childish obsession with the drama of the two characters as we can see other classmates are enjoying what they are watching.

Picture 1- This is a birds eye view since we are directly looking below us to see the top of Chiron’s head. This exposes his body which creates a sense of vulnerability, but also gives a sense of setting.
Picture 2- This is a low angle making us look up to Chiron which, in this context of him mothering his mother, represents him as more of an authorative figure than her, and more responsible.
Picture 3- This is a slightly canted angle, which throws off the normality of Chiron’s day which makes a suspense of what is about to happen.