stereotype and countertype

Stereotypes are simple, one-dimensional portrayals of people usually based on sex, race, religion, profession or age.

an example of a movie stereotype is in breaking bad. Tuco is the leader of a drug cartel. the stereotype here is that he is mexican and dealing drugs which not all Mexicans do

Countertype A representation that highlights the positive features of a person or group.

an example of a countertype is the opposite of a stereotype

Representation Tasks 2 and 3

Stereotype – a general belief or expectation about a specific group of people.

Countertype – a representation that challenges dominant ideologies about specific groups.

An example of stereotyping vs countertypeing in films is the contrast between people of colour in older films, where they may be perceived as criminals or comedic characters, as opposed to films from more recently where they are represented fairly and equally. An example of stereotyping race in film would be casting people in minority groups to provide an unserious contrast to a white character, such as Will Smith in Men In Black. An example of racial countertypes would be in a film like Tenet, where the protagonist is a person of colour but that aspect of his character is insignificant and he isn’t represented any differently to the white characters.

stereotype and countertype

a stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.#

a countertype is something that counters and challenges the normal ideologies

an example of a good countertype, is wesley snipes in the film blade, where the lead character is a heroic person of colour.

an example of a stereotype in films, is snow white, where she is shown as weak and feminine.

representations (activity 3)

stereotypical representation can be defined as an oversimplified and generalised image or idea of a group of people or a thing. and example is Cher from ‘clueless’ as she’s portrayed as a ditsy young blonde teenage girl and she uses that to try get closer to her love interest.

countertype representation can be defined as a parallel or opposite view that challenges dominant prejudice views. an example is Jennifer check in ‘Jennifer’s body’ as though she is seen as a popular and attractive girl, she is calculated and isn’t subservient to any men.

TASK 2 and 3: Representation Key Concepts – George Blake

Stereotype – A widely held belief of someone or something that is oversimplified to be represented.

Countertype – A representation that challenges dominant ideologies or groups.

An example of a stereotype can be seen in films with Women playing the Damsel role, like in such films as Snow White. This can be said to be chosen by the director due to the patriarchal time period it was released in (1937) where stereotypical roles were issued to Men and Women.

An example of a Countertype can be seen in films with people’s race. This can be shown where minorities are in a position of power, an example of this is Black Panther. This can be seen to be chosen by the director as it was a demonstration of diversity in a predominantly white super Hero film industry.

Representation Key Concepts – Task 2

Stereotype – a stereotype is a widely held but fixed image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Countertype – a type (of person) that opposes and contrasts with another, going against common ideas about certain groups of people.

Task 3 –

This is example of stereotypes being prominent in movie culture, the female characters are represented according to the commonly held idea that women are weaker and dim.

Kill Bill shows examples of countertypes in film. Contrasting to the docile and inferior stereotype of women, Kill Bill paints a women as a leading protagonist who fights and ‘does the dirty work’.

representation task 2 and 3

Stereotype- a Widley held oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.

Countertype- an opposite or corresponding type.

An example of a stereotype in movies is that people from a foreign country are depicted as enemies and violent. For example a lot of action movies depict Russia as enemies.

An example of a countertype in a movie is captain Ripley in Alien. I think the directors do this to twist what the audience knows and change their prospective.

stereotype and counter type

A stereotype is a preconceived ideology about a person or group of people.

An example of this is Auroura from sleeping beauty. she needed to be saved by the prince.

A countertype is someone who breaks the stereotype. they are the opposite of what people expect of them.

A great example of this is Mulan as she breaks down societies expectations that women shouldn’t fight.