Moonlight first response

personally i thought the film, was pretty good, it had some amazing cinematography, which i thought was the main part of the film, however i also found the film a little directionless, and sort of just throws characters in without warning. i would give it a 7 out of 10.

my favourite scene was probably the scene with the chair attack, because it was built up very well, and then was a nice relief of tension.

moonlight first response :)

3/10 film in my opinion. not very exiting and just dialogue. camera shots are good but they don’t make a film. first bit was good but the last 20 mins was kind of just yapping. i didn’t really get the need for the zesty scenes. I likes the scene in the water where he swims, they one where shcyrone gets really mad and kills the bully. . and the one where he drinks juice. The film was mid,

6/10/23 Cinematography Definitions week 4

Cinematography is the composition of a scene that creates emotion and meaning by using angles, movement and distance from shots.

Cinematographer is the person who is responsible for producing these compositions so the audience is most satisfied

This is different to a director as a director organises the overall films production so the company receives best recognition.