Most of our knowledge comes from personal experience. Events we go through, weather they are emotional or not are where we acquire most of our knowledge from. To be more exact personal experience helps all of us to understand knowledge better, on a deeper level. Personal experience allows us to store the knowledge and use it for situations that are personally relevant to us, therefore we apply the knowledge to future situations that are unique to us.
To further my point I will use the picture of me and my cousin above as an example. My older cousin and I are extremely close and I honestly consider her as my older sister; she has taught me many valuable lessons through my life and given me some of the best advice I could possibly ask for. I have shared many experiences with her that have provided me with knowledge which is linked to my points from above that knowledge and personal experiences are closely linked. Also as Albert Einstein said “…all knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it”, meaning without experience there is ultimately no knowledge; so in order to makes sense and understand the knowledge we accumulate we must use it and apply it to every day life or the experiences that we have.
In my opinion personal experiences are the main sources that shape our knowledge and ultimately provide most the knowledge we currently have. This is mostly due to the fact that we gain knowledge from other people therefore surrounding ourselves with people that are important to us and that we can learn something from is most likely one of the most important things you can do in life. You gain knowledge from experiences that you have with friends, you gain knowledge from experiences that you have with family and also from negative experiences that you might have had with people. And this knowledge comes in all sorts of forms, it can be educational or it may be emotional knowledge on how to deal with certain things that may happen in your life. Therefore the relationship between knowledge and personal experiences is the one you make and create by experiencing all sorts of different situations that you can learn from.