Theory of knowledge subject guide 2022-23

Please use this guide to remind you of the key assessments and teaching content.

How we explore the themes & AOKs – The knowledge framework 

Nature and scope Nature and scope deals with the type of knowledge found within the themes and areas of knowledge, the purpose of its knowledge, why it is important for us as knowers, and the kind of problems it helps us solve.   
Perspectives Perspectives deals with the way our personal and societal perspectives inform the way we view the themes and areas of knowledge, how knowledge changes over time, and how context affects what we know. 
Methods and tools Methods and tools deals with the practices used to produce knowledge within the themes and areas of knowledge, the cognitive and material tools that create ideas, and how knowledge is communicated and shared between knowers.   
Ethics Ethics deals with the relationship between knowledge and values within the themes and areas of knowledge, how our knowledge influences our moral outlooks, and the ethical constraints placed on the way knowledge is produced. 

How we express our understanding – The 12 key concepts 

Certainty Evidence Explanation Culture Interpretation Justification 
Perspective Power Objectivity Responsibility Truth Values 

How the course is organized – The TOK diagram 



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