Origin of Photography/ Fixing the Shadows


This hyper link shows camera obscura.


This hyper link shows more about Henry Talbot.

Kodak (Brownie)

The film roll was the key element for the first Kodak camera, which was originally called the “roll holder breast camera.” The name Kodak was created by Eastman himself and first appeared in December 1887. With the KODAK Camera, Eastman laid the groundwork for making photography accessible to everyone. The Brownie was a simple box camera featuring a single lens. It utilized roll film, another breakthrough from Eastman Kodak. Customers would get the pre-loaded camera, snap their pictures, and send it back to Kodak. Kodak would then develop the film, print the photos, reload the camera with fresh film, and send it back to the customer.


Anna Atkins

Anna Atkins (16 March 1799 – 9 June 1871) was a pioneering English botanist and photographer. She is frequently recognized as the first individual to release a book that featured photographic illustrations. Additionally, some references claim she was the first woman to produce a photograph. In the 1850s, Atkins worked together with Anne Dixon (1799–1864), who was very close to her, almost like a sister, to create at least three presentation albums featuring cyanotype photograms.

Anna Atkins | Widewalls
Anna Atkins.

My Cyanotype

This is a Cyanotype that I produced myself, a Cyanotype is a type of photographic printing process that reacts slowly and is cost-effective. It is sensitive to a specific range of near ultraviolet and blue light.

Welcome to Photography

 What are you assessed on?

Assessment Objectives:


Think of the Blog like your sketchbook. It is where you:​

  • Show your research (AO1), ​
  • Record your ideas and photoshoots (AO3), ​
  • Experiment and Edit (AO2)​
  • and Present your final photos (AO4.​

Some examples of what you will be learning this year:

Plan for the year:

  1. History of photographic developments

2. Summer Task collection and critique

3. Core skills and formal elements:

Focusing on a different photography technique each week:

  • Focal length
  • Aperture & depth of field
  • Shutter speed & movement / light
  • ISO & texture
  • Cropping
  • Exposure compensation / light meter

4. Portrait Photography

  • Environmental Portraiture
  • Studio Portraiture
  • ‘Selfies’ and identity

5. Landscape Photography

  • Natural Landscapes
  • New topographics
  • Urban Landscapes

6. Street Photography – Y13 intro

  • Saint Malo Trip


‘Formal Elements’ Photography

Intro: What are the formal elements in photography?

There are several design elements, known as ‘formal elements’, that all photographers should be aware of when thinking about their image compositions. This is what separates good pictures and bad pictures that have been taken of the same subject.

Some of the formal elements include (there are others and you don’t have to be limited to this list )

  • Line – Are there objects in the photograph that act as lines? Are they straight, curvy, thin, thick? Do the lines create direction in the photograph? Do they outline? Do the lines show movement or energy?
  • Shape – Do you see geometric (straight edged) or organic (curvy) shapes?
  • Tone –Is there a range of tones from dark to light? Where is the darkest value? Where is the lightest?
  • Repetition / pattern: Are there any objects, shapes or lines which repeat and create a pattern?
  • Texture -If you could touch the surface of the photograph how would it feel? How do the objects in the picture look like they would feel?
  • Space – Is there depth to the photograph or does it seem shallow? What creates this appearance? Are there important negative (empty) spaces in addition to positive (solid) spaces? Is there depth created by spatial illusions i.e. perspective?

Your task:

Use a PowerPoint (or similar) to record your summer task. You should include….

  1. Research a photographer who will inspire your work….. (see photographers to choose from below)
  2. Photography: Take photographs that link to each of the formal elements above. (You will likely end up with more than one formal element in each photo). There are some tips on what you could photograph at the bottom of this PowerPoint.
  3. Edit: Edit the images (on your phone, or using your preferred editing software)…. crop and enhance the colour / change to black and white to show you have considered how to achieve the best result. Example photos can be seen below.
  4. Present: You can then select how you which to present the images. You should present your final images on your ppt but you may also want to print them out and present them manually. For example, you may wish to present each one in a grid. If you are able to, you may even wish to print the images out and present them in a concertina book.
  5. Deadline: Please complete your summer task before you start Hautlieu in September. It can be saved to a USB or email it to yourself so you can log in from school and download the attachment (if emailing to yourself, use a personal email as your school email may not yet be set up).

1. Research: – Choose one photographer to analyse:

Harry Callahan – natural forms

Harry Callahan is able to capture patterns, textures and repetition through his photography. His images have just enough information. He knows just where to place the edges, to leave out unnecessary details, so that we are able to focus on the main idea. He has a fantastic sense of design.

Ernst Haas – water and reflections

Haas pioneered colour photography and is also famous for his images of movement using long shutter speeds. He photographed water throughout his career, fascinated by its ability to reflect light and its dynamic movement. He crops the subject to increase the sense of abstraction. 

Aaron Siskind – natural and urban surfaces

Siskind was interested in surfaces and textures, both from the natural world but also the urban environment. He gets in close to his subjects and fills the frame with detail. There is always a strong sense of design and all over interest for the viewer.

Nick Albertson – repeated forms

These images explore the idea of repetition, rhythm, line, shape, texture and pattern. They are all created with everyday objects which are transformed through careful arrangement and photography. The edge to edge compositions help concentrate our eyes on the formal properties of the objects. Contrast is important. Sometimes we need to consult the title before we’re sure about exactly what we are looking at.

2. Take your Photos linking to the formal elements.

Below are just a few examples of things you can photography for each formal element… but the options are endless!


  • Leading lines / roads / train tracks / perspective
  • Railings
  • Stairways
  • Scaffolding
  • Boat Masts


  • Shadows / highlights
  • Silhouettes
  • Street photos with strong / low sunlight
  • Any photo that has both strong highlights and shadows will usually show a strong depth of tone. Editing in black and which and increasing contrast can also enhance this effect.


  • Fabric
  • Rope
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Silk
  • Rust
  • Errosion

Shape – (pretty much anything)

  • Pebbles (organic)
  • Ripples in water (organic)
  • Petals and leaves (organic)
  • Architecture / constructions (usually geometric)
  • Man made objects – building bricks – kids toys (usually geometric)

Repetition / Pattern

  • Outside: Paving stones, brickwork, windows, architecture etc
  • Inside: Bubble Wrap, chess boards etc
  • Patterns in nature – flowers etc
  • Printed patterns / fabric patters


  • Through a window / doorway
  • Perspective, short depth of field / focus
  • Low perspective / angle photos
  • Strong use of negative space, framing the subject

3. Edit your photos
Here are some examples of student photos:

4. Present your final images

Presentation Ideas:


Images with similar colour aesthetic


Montage / Collage

Manual edits

Please remember that you...

Must have your own SD Card and USB stick

Should buy a camera (DSLR or mirrorless)

Could loan one of our cameras whilst on the course


Assessment Criteria JAC

Coursework Marking Criteria
Preparing for the Personal Study - ARTPEDAGOGY
Marking Criteria Levels

Grade Boudaries for 2024-2025

Follow the 10 Step Process and create multiple blog posts for each unit to ensure you tackle all Assessment Objectives thoroughly :

  1. Mood-board, Mind-map of ideas (AO1)definition and introduction (AO1)
  2. Statement of Intent / proposal
  3. Artist References / Case Studies (must include image analysis) (AO1)
  4. Photo-shoot Action Plan (AO3)
  5. Multiple Photoshoots + contact sheets (AO3)
  6. Image Selection, sub selection, review and refine ideas (AO2)
  7. Image Editing/ manipulation / experimentation (AO2)
  8. Presentation of final outcomes (AO4)
  9. Compare and contrast your work to your artist reference(AO1)
  10. Evaluation and Critique (AO1+AO4)



Image Analysis Guiding Questions

OBSERVE: Identify and note details

  • What type of image is this (photo, painting, illustration, poster, etc.)?
  • What do you notice first? Describe what else you see.
  • What’s happening in the image?
  • What people and objects are shown? How are they arranged? How do they relate to each other?
  • What is the physical setting? Is place important?
  • What, if any, words do you see?
  • Are there details that suggest the time period this image relates to? Is the creation date listed in
    the bibliographic record? If the creation date is listed, was this image created at or around the
    same time period the image relates to?
  • What other details can you see?

REFLECT: Generate and test hypotheses

  • What tools might have been used to create this image?
  • Why do you think this image was made? What might have been the creator’s purpose? What
    evidence supports your theory?
  • Why do you think the creator chose to include these particular details? What might have been
    left out of the frame?
  • Who do you think was the audience for this image?
  • What do you think the creator might have wanted the audience to think or feel? Does the
    arrangement or presentation (lighting, angle, etc.) of the details affect how the audience might
    think or feel? How?
  • What do you feel when looking at this image?
  • Does this image show clear bias? If so, towards what or whom? What evidence supports your
  • What was happening during the time period this image represents? If someone made this image
    today, what would be different/the same?
  • What did you learn from examining this image? Does any new information you learned
    contradict or support your prior knowledge about the topic or theme of this image?

Lighting Studio JAC

Once you have been instructed on how to use the lighting studio safely and respectfully, you will be able to use the studio during lesson times or in study periods. You must book the facility in advance via one of your teachers JAC / MM / MVT / LJS

You must always leave the studio in a clean and tidy, safe manner. All equipment must be switched off and packed away. Any damage must be reported and logged.

Studio lighting setup - Arch Viz Camp
Typical studio set up with infinity screen back-drop

Types of lighting available

  • Continous lighting (spot / flood)
  • Flash head
  • Soft box
  • Reflectors and coloured gels
Image result for single point lighting portrait effects
Chiarascuro effects and single point lighting
Image result for 2 point lighting studio diagram

Still Life Photography and using the product table / copy stand

Image result for manfrotto product table photography
Product table set-up, with back light and infinity screen

Still-life Studio Shoot:

You can choose to photograph each object individually or group together several objects for a more complex still life arrangements.

Technical stuff

Continuous Lights – photograph objects three dimensionally

Camera setting: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
White Balance: Daylight
Aperture: F/16
Shutter: 0.5 sec to 0.8 sec (depending on reflection of each object)
Lights in room must be switched off to avoid reflections

Continuous Lights – portrait

Camera setting: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
White Balance: Daylight Shutter Speed 1/125 sec Aperture f/16

Flash Lights – photograph images, documents, books, newspapers, etc or portraits

Camera setting: Manual Mode
ISO: 100
White Balance: Daylight
Aperture: F/16
Shutter: 1/125-1/200 (depending on reflection of each object)
Flash heads set to power output: 2.0
Use pilot light for focusing


Camera settings (flash lighting)
Tripod: optional
Use transmitter on hotshoe
White balance: daylight (5000K)
ISO: 100
Exposure: Manual 1/125 shutter-speed > f/16 aperture
– check settings before shooting
Focal lenght: 105mm portrait lens

Camera settings (continuous lighting)
Tripod: recommended to avoid camera shake
Manual exposure mode
White balance: tungsten light (3200K)
ISO: 400-1600 – depending on how many light sources
Exposure: Manual 1/60-1/125 shutter-speed > f/4-f/8 aperture
– check settings before shooting
Focal length: 50mm portrait lens



Core Skills + The Formal Elements

The first Half Term in Year 12 is designed to encourage you to develop Core Skills in…

  • Observe – Seek – Challenge
  • Camera Handling Skills
  • Using the Hautlieu Creative Blog
  • Discussing, sharing and analysing examples of photography
  • Fundamental image selection, editing and enhancement
  • Explore the formal elements skillfully and creatively
  • Learning about key artists and concepts

Task 1

Watch : Genius of Photography / Fixing The Shadows and take

Discussion Points (remember to include these in your presentation)

  • Camera Obscura
  • Nicephore Niepce
  • Louis Daguerre
  • Daguerreotype
  • Henry Fox Talbot
  • Richard Maddox
  • George Eastman
  • Kodak (Brownie)
  • Digital Photography

Think – Pair – Share activities

To embed your understanding of the origins of photography and its beginnings you’ll need to produce a blog post / word / powerpoint presentation which outlines the major developments in its practice. Some will have been covered in the documentary but you may also need to research and discover further information. Add plenty of visual evidence and examples to help articulate your understanding…

Wordcount Guideline = 1000 Words


Introduction – Key Content – Conclusion / Summary

Due Date Friday 20th September

Task 2

Summer Task Critique

Think – Pair – Share

  • Blog intro and upload of Summer Task
  • Develop a range Paper Experiments / photographing white paper
  • Explore focus control / focal length
  • Look at Meatyard / Barth / Leiter
  • HW Explore focus / focal length
  • Discuss Photo Literacy and The Formal Elements

Task 3 – Auto Focus v Manual Focus

  1. Create a blog post titled ‘Focus Control and Aperture’
  2. Explain different ways of focusing on a camera (AF and MF)
  3. Explain what focal length is. Include an image to help illustrate this.
  4. Explain what Aperture is and give examples of different Apertures
  5. Explain what Depth of Field is
  6. Include your experiments using the Camera Simulator. Clearly label your experiments to explain what’s going on.
  7. Include research of photographers who use depth of field / focus in their work – Choose from: Ralph Eugene Meatyard,(particularly his Zen Twigs and No Focus photos), Saul Leiter, or Uta Barth

Autofocus = general use

Manual focus = close ups and fine detail ( use the focus ring on the end of the lens and adjust for each shot !)

Focal length and types of lenses

The focal length of a lens is the optical distance (usually measured in mm) from the centre of a lensand its focus.

This determines what you “see” when using a camera…

Spot the differences when using different focal lengths whilst photographing the same thing…

Setting Focus Points…advanced techniques

Exploring depth of field and focus with Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Saul Leiter and Uta Barth.

One of the ways that cameras see the world differently to the way we view it with our eyes is that they can selectively focus on the subject. This phenomenon is related to the mechanics and optics of the camera lens. The photographer can change the settings on the camera in order to alter the amount of light entering the lens. This directly affects the depth of field of the subject being viewed.Some photographers have experimented with a variety of effects that can be achieved by manipulating the camera’s ability to bring subjects in and out of focus.
Depth of Field diagram


Canon Camera Simulator

Ralph Eugene Meatyard

Meatyard made his living as an optician,born in 1925 and died in 1976. He was a member of the Lexington Camera Club and pursued his passion for photography outside the mainstream. He experimented with various strategies including multiple exposures, motion blur, and other methods of photographic abstraction. Two of his series are particularly concerned with focus and depth of field, both stretching the expressive potential of photography, film and cameras when looking with the ordinary world.

No focus- Reducing groups of human figures to indistinct abstractions, the artist proposes an alternate notion to the traditional photographic portrait.
Zen Twigs – A meditative study of the mysterious forms of twigs and tree branches, inspired and informed by the artist’s deep study of Zen Buddhism.

Saul Leiter

Leiter was foremost a painter who discovered the possibilities of colour photography. He created an extraordinary body of work, beginning in the 1940s. His images explore colour harmonies and often exploit unusual framing devices – shop signs, umbrellas, curtains, car doors, windows dripping with condensation – to create abstracted compositions of everyday street life in the city. Leiter was fond of using long lenses, partly so that he could remain unobserved, but also so that he could compress space, juxtaposing objects and people in unusual ways. Many of his images use negative space, with large out of focus areas, drawing our eye to a particular detail or splash of colour.

Examples of Saul Leiter’s work…

Uta Barth

Throughout the past two decades, Uta Barth has made visual perception the subject of her work. Regarded for her “empty” images that border on painterly abstraction, the artist carefully renders blurred backgrounds, cropped frames and the natural qualities of light to capture incidental and fleeting moments, those which exist almost exclusively within our periphery. With a deliberate disregard for both the conventional photographic subject and point-and-shoot role of the camera, Barth’s work delicately deconstructs conventions of visual representation by calling our attention to the limits of the human eye.
— Tanya Bonakdar Gallery

Uta Barth’s work…

What to do

  • Research the work of Ralph Eugene Meatyard, Saul Leiter and Uta Barth. How have they experimented with focus and depth of field in their work? Choose specific images to comment on in detail. You could also find other photographers who are interested in experimenting with focus effects.
  • Explore the effects of changing the aperture settings on your camera to alter depth of field. You could illustrate this with a series of photos of the same subject shot with different aperture settings.
  • Create a series of deliberately out of focus images. Consider the degree of abstraction in the final image. How out of focus are the subjects and are they still recognisable? Experiment with colour and black and white.
  • Create a series of images which explore dramatic depth of field (selective focus). Experiment with switching between foreground, middle ground and background focus. Remember, you will need to use a wide aperture (small number e.g. f2.8) and/or a longer lens for this. Remember to share all of the images you make (including those that you deem failures) in a gallery/contact sheet. 
  • Curate your images into different groupings (see below). Experiment with editing the images in each set differently. Give each set a title and write a short evaluation explaining your editorial decisions.
  • Make a blog post about your development of ideas based on the prompts listed above…
  • Ensure you use technical vocab throughout using the photoliteracy matrix here

Some more examples…

Week 4 Shutter Speed and movement

Throwing – rolling – spinning – bouncing paper

  • Explore Shutter Speed and movement / light
  • Paper Experiments
  • Throw, move , roll paper aeroplanes, balls, spirals
  • HW Experiment with Shutter Speed and movement / light / water

Find examples of fast shutter speed in action

Find examples of slow shutter speed (long exposure) in action

What kind of control does adjusting the shutter speed give us?

Think about and plan a set of photoshoots that show your understanding of shutter speed

What do we need to be aware of / careful of with different shutter speeds ?

  1. Create a blog post titled ‘Shutter Speed’
  2. Explain what Shutter Speed is – make sure you include how it affects light and movement
  3. Include images to illustrate your point
  4. Include research of photographers who use shutter speed to impact the outcome of their photos
  5. Take your own photos inspired by the artist you have focused on, edit and present your photos on the blog post

Choosing the setting on your camera

TV – TV stands for Time-value mode, but is better known as shutter-priority shooting mode. It’s one of the Creative Zone modes. This mode allows you to set the shutter speed, leaving the camera to choose the aperture needed for correct exposure. ‘Tv’ is used to identify this setting on the mode dial.

Shutter Speed…what is it?

Shutter speed is the length of time your camera’s shutter stays open, and therefore how long the sensor is exposed to light. The longer it’s open, the more light hits the sensor and the brighter the image. Shutter speed is one side of the exposure triangle – the three factors that determine the exposure of an image.

Controlling and adapting shutter speed is vital for capturing either sharp images of moving things…or exploring creative blurring in moving things…or night photography and light trails too,

Eadweard Muybridge fast shutter speeds

Eadweard Muybridge is remembered today for his pioneering photographic studies of motion, which ultimately led to the development of cinema. He was hired to photograph a horse’s movement to prove that a horse’s hooves are clear of the ground at a trot.

Muybridge is known for his pioneering chronophotography of animal locomotion between 1878 and 1886, which used multiple cameras to capture the different positions in a stride; and for his zoopraxiscope, a device for projecting painted motion pictures from glass discs that predated the flexible perforated film strip used in cinematography

Harold Edgerton – fast shutter speeds

Harold Edgerton / MIT / 1957
Harold Edgerton / MIT / 1964
Harold Edgerton, Squash Stroke, 1938, gelatin silver print, National Gallery of Art, Washington, Gift of the Harold and Esther Edgerton Family Foundation

Hiroshi Sugimoto – slow shutter speeds

“With contemporary art, you get to represent your uniqueness, your own reality.” Early 20th-century Cubist and Dadaist artist Marcel Duchamp influenced Sugimoto’s conceptual take on art and time.

Sugimoto often employs large format cameras and long exposure times (slow shutter speeds) to capture light behaving / performing in expected but controlled ways

Francesca Woodman – slow shutter speeds

Francesca Woodman
Space², Providence, Rhode Island (1976)
ARTIST ROOMS Tate and National Galleries of Scotland
© Woodman Family Foundation / Artist’s Rights Society (ARS), New York and DACS, London

Francesca Woodman’s family spent their summers at her parents’ farmhouse in the countryside near Florence in Italy and many of her photographs were taken there. European culture and art had a significant impact on her artistic development. The influence of surrealist art, particularly the photographs of Man Ray and Claude Cahun can be seen in the themes and style of her work. She developed her ideas and skills as a student at Rhode Island School of Design.

Her importance as an innovator is significant, particularly in the context of the 1970s when the status of photography was still regarded as less important than painting and sculpture. She led the way for later American artists who used photography to explore themes relating to identity such as Cindy Sherman and Nan Goldin.

What to do…

  • Research the work of Eadward Muybridge, Harold Edgerton, Hiroshi Sugimoto and Francesca Woodman. How have they experimented with shutter speed and long exposures in their work? Choose specific images to comment on in detail. You could also find other photographers who are interested in experimenting with similar effects.
  • Explore the effects of changing the shutter speed on your camera to alter exposure times. You could illustrate this with a series of photos of the same subject shot with different settings.
  • Create a series of images. Consider the degree of abstraction in the final image. How sharp / blurry are the subjects and are they still recognisable? Experiment with colour and black and white.
  • Create a series of images which explore dramatic shutter speed effects. Remember to share all of the images you make (including those that you deem failures) in a gallery/contact sheet. 
  • Curate your images into different groupings (see below). Experiment with editing the images in each set differently. Give each set a title and write a short evaluation explaining your editorial decisions.
  • Make a blog post about your development of ideas based on the prompts listed above…

Remember As a rule of thumb, your shutter speed needs to be double (or more) than the lens focal length. So, for example, if using a 50mm lens, your shutter speed should be 1/100th sec or faster. If shooting with a 75mm lens, your shutter speed should be at least 1/150th sec.

Remember : A slow shutter speed keeps the shutter open for longer. This not only allows more light to be recorded, it also means any moving objects will appear blurred. Slow shutter speeds are commonly used for photographing in low light conditions, or to capture motion blur.

Week 5 ISO

Blog Post to Create:

  • What is ISO? How does it affect your camera?
  • What does a high ISO / low ISO mean? What effect can this have on your photos? What is meant by visual noise? (include images to illustrate your points)
  • When might you want to use a high ISO?
  • Research one of the photographers below who look at texture in their photography.
  • Explore the effects of changing the ISO on your camera to alter grain but also the brightness of your images. You could illustrate this with a series of photos of the same subject shot with different settings. When taking/editing photos of the texture, consider the degree of abstraction in the final image. Are the images still recognisable? Experiment with colour and black and white.
  • Present at least 6 final photos (of the same subject), 3 should show visual noise and 3 should show no visual noise.

Through exploring ISO you will

  • Explore ISO
  • Create some photo experiments
  • Contact Sheets / selections
  • Texture, rips, folds, creases, curves
  • Introduce Adobe Lightroom, catalogues, selections, editing
  • Look at a range of artists who explore texture in different ways
  • HW Experiment with Texture and Surface

What is ISO?

ISO is a number that represents how sensitive your camera sensor is to light. ​

What does a low/high ISO mean?

A lower ISO value means less sensitivity to light, and the more light you will need to take the photo.

While a higher ISO means more sensitivity, and the less light you need to take a picture.​

It’s one element of photography’s exposure triangle — along with aperture and shutter speed — and plays an essential role in the quality of your photos.


If you use a High ISO…. The trade-off is that higher ISOs can lead to degraded image quality and cause your photos to be grainy or “noisy.”​

The lower the ISO number, the lower your camera’s sensitivity, and the more light you need to take a picture​

 Low Light Situations ​

In low light situations, it is often necessary to raise the ISO in order to get a clear picture. The big problem with raising the ISO, though, is that it introduces ‘noise’ into the image (we talk about this more below), which can make it appear grainy.​

If you are taking a picture in ideal light conditions, you will want to keep the ISO low in order to avoid introducing noise into the image.

How to adjust ISO on the Camera


When talking about photography, texture refers to the visual quality of the surface of an object, revealed through variances in shape, tone and colour depth. Texture brings life and vibrance to images that would otherwise appear flat and uninspiring.

  1. Research one of the below photographers
  2. and then experiment with taking your own textural photos:
    When you find a texture you want to capture, take a series of photos of the same subject, shot with different settings. When taking photos of the texture, consider the degree of abstraction in the final image. Are the images still recognisable? Experiment with colour and black and white.
  3. Present at least 6 final photos (of the same subject), 3 should show visual noise and 3 should show no visual noise.

Francis Bruguière

Jaroslav Rössler

Jerry Reed

Brendan Austin

James Welling

Guy Bourdin

Untitled c.1950s
© The Guy Bourdin Estate

Minor White

Edward Weston

Cabbage Leaf 1931

Brett Weston

Brett Weston, Dunes, White Sands, New Mexico, 1946, Printed C. 1950s-1960s, Early Silver Gelatin Photograph

The Boyle Family

Holland Park Avenue 1968

Peter Ainsworth

Concrete Island, 2010

Clay Ketter

Barrio Cartoon, 2023

Aaron Siskind

New York 1, 1968

Frank Hallam Day

Frank Hallam Day
Ship Hull #05, 2003

What to do…

  • Research the work of the photographers listed above. How have they experimented with texture work? Choose specific images to comment on in detail. You could also find other photographers who are interested in experimenting with similar effects.
  • Explore the effects of changing the ISO on your camera to alter grain but also the brightness of your images. You could illustrate this with a series of photos of the same subject shot with different settings.
  • Create a series of images. Consider the degree of abstraction in the final image. Are the images still recognisable? Experiment with colour and black and white.
  • Create a series of images which explore TEXTURAL effects. Remember to share all of the images you make (including those that you deem failures) in a gallery/contact sheet. 
  • Curate your images into different groupings (see below). Experiment with editing the images in each set differently. Give each set a title and write a short evaluation explaining your editorial decisions.
  • Make a blog post about your development of ideas based on the prompts listed above…

Week 5 Adobe Lightroom Intro

Introduce Adobe Lightroom, catalogues, selections, editing

Make Blog Post that describes and explains your learning journey through Adobe Lightroom Library Mode and Develop Mode

Week 6 Paper Experiments

  • Paper Experiments
  • Adobe Lightroom / Photoshop edits
  • Look at…The Formal Elements and make connections
  • Explore Exposure Compensation and Light Meter awareness / use
  • BLOG POSTS to make…
  • “Paper Experiments”…remember to describe and explain your processes, how your ideas have been influenced (artists) and what aspects of the formal elements you are exploring…

Week 7 + 8 Producing Final Images

Paper Experiments x formal elements

Designing layouts / virtual gallery

  • Complete edits – creative explorations – manipulate images
  • export images
  • Complete blog posts
  • Evaluation and critique

Make Final Image Selections

Display Methods to explore and complete

  • Grid of images (4/9 etc)
  • single image
  • Diptych / juxtapose contrasting images
  • Triptych (set of 3)
  • Black and white images
  • Colour images
  • Rectangular, square, circular images
  • Add frames / strokes

Practical Tasks, Challenges and ideas…inspiration points

Howard Lewis Origami Series

Paul Jackson

Edgar Martins Soliloquoy


Follow the 10 Step Process and create multiple blog posts for each unit to ensure you tackle all Assessment Objectives thoroughly :

  1. Mood-board, Mind-map of ideas (AO1)definition and introduction (AO1)
  2. Statement of Intent / proposal of ideas
  3. Artist References / Case Studies (must include image analysis) (AO1)
  4. Photo-shoot Action Plan (AO3)
  5. Multiple Photoshoots + contact sheets (AO3)
  6. Image Selection, sub selection, review and refine ideas (AO2)
  7. Image Editing/ manipulation / experimentation (AO2)
  8. Presentation of final outcomes (AO4)
  9. Compare and contrast your work to your artist reference(AO1)
  10. Evaluation and Critique (AO1+AO4)