For the images above, I displayed them in a triptych since they all have warm and vibrant colours which go well together as well as the fact they all focus on landscapes. The darker tones in the sky of the first image also juxtapose the lighter and more colourful tones of the sky in the second image, although if I were to do this again I would put the image of the flower in the middle for consistency.
I then displayed these images together since I like how they’re all of the same landscape, whilst the black and white version in the middle draws focus and creates contrasts in tones when compared to the other two images.
I wasn’t too pleased with the final outcome of this overall, as the editing has slightly overexposed some of the images as well as being over saturated or having too high vibrance. The layout also doesn’t group all the photos too well (a triptych or a 2×2 square would have been better to show them as being part of one set) and the brown background also doesn’t compliment any of the colours well.
This is the final outcome I am most satisfied with, since the triptych as well as all the photos being black in white clearly shows intention and that these are all part of one set. Furthermore, I like how the two photos on the edges focus on the sky and rocks in contrast to the centre image which focuses more on water ripples and rocks as this compliments the overall presentation really nicely.