Shutter speed and Movement

Shutter speed is exactly what it sounds like: It’s the speed at which the shutter of the camera closes. A fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure the amount of light the camera takes in and a slow shutter speed gives the photographer a longer exposure.

here the shutter speed is slower and therefore the camera lens takes in more light to capture longer images

1/8 sec , f/29

this is also demonstrated here with an even lower shutter speed , we can tell as the lights and background are blurred due to camera movement

Displayed in this photo is a higher shutter speed to capture a crisp image despite the subject moving

Fast shutter speed freezes the motion in your image. Fast shutter speed is 1/125 sec or faster. 1/1000 sec is super fast shutter speed. Fast shutter speed lets less light into your camera and will effect exposure making your images darker.

photo info: 1/250 seconds , f/5

Francesca woodman:

Francesca woodman was a female photographer mainly recognised for her black and white self images

 Many of her photographs show women, naked or clothed, blurred, merging with their surroundings, or whose faces are obscured

Here we took inspiration from her work that often portray ghostly and eerie feelings

Francesca Woodman photographed herself, often nude, in empty interiors. But her pictures are not traditional self-portraits. She is usually half hidden by objects or furniture or appears as a blur. The images convey an underlying sense of human fragility. This fragility is exaggerated by the fact that the photographs are printed on a very small scale – they seem personal and intimate.

Most of the photographs in the ARTIST ROOMS collection come from Francesca’s former boyfriend Benjamin P. Moore. She gave him the photographs, and many of them include intimate messages written in their margins. The messages become part of the artwork.

Woodman continuously explored and tested what she could do with photography. She challenged the idea that the camera fixes time and space – something that had always been seen as one of the fundamentals of photography. She playfully manipulated light, movement and photographic effects, and used carefully selected props, vintage clothing and decaying interiors to add a mysterious gothic atmosphere to the work.
Her importance as an innovator is significant, particularly in the context of the 1970s when the status of photography was still regarded as less important than painting and sculpture. She led the way for later American artists who used photography to explore themes relating to identity such as Cindy Sherman and Nan Goldin.

source of information :

In addition to its effect on exposure, the shutter speed changes the way movement appears in photographs. Very short shutter speeds can be used to freeze fast-moving subjects, for example at sporting events. Very long shutter speeds are used to intentionally blur a moving subject for effect.

photo info : 8/5 seconds f/5


ISO-ISO is a number that represents how sensitive your camera sensor is to light. The higher the ISO number, the higher your camera’s sensitivity, and the less light you need to take a picture. The trade-off is that higher ISOs can lead to degraded image quality and cause your photos to be grainy or ‘noisy.

This photo is shot with using a high ISO you can tell by the the quality is clear and there is no noise in the background. I also made use of shutter speed which allowed more light to enter the camera making the subject more easily viable which reduces noise.
This photo used shutter speed to give a clear photo without using ISO.
This photo was taken in less light so we used a lower ISO to make the subject more visible and exposed.
This photo was shot with a low ISO. You can see this by the quality of the photo as it appears kind of grainy.
This is all my ISO photos I have selected my favourites by flagging them which I can the put a flagging filter on meaning I can separate my favourites from the others so I can focus on my better

This is how I put the flagged filter.

These are my selected photos.
This is the original of the photo I have chosen to edit.
This is the edited version. On the right side is the features I used to edit it and what I did to it some of the things I changed was the shadows I made them more noticeable and darker.


in photography is the visual quality of the surface of an object revealed through variances in shape, tone and colour and depth

Minor White

examples of his work

Minor White, born in Minneapolis in 1908, earned a B.S. in botany from the University of Minnesota in 1933. He moved to Portland in 1937, working as a WPA photographer and teaching photography until his military service in 1942. After the war, he studied art history in New York and was influenced by notable photographers like Edward Weston and Alfred Stieglitz. In 1946, he joined the California School of Fine Arts, where he became friends with Ansel Adams and co-founded Aperture magazine in 1952. White later taught at the Rochester Institute of Technology and MIT, co-founded the Society for Photographic Education, and edited Aperture until 1970. His mystical approach to photography, particularly in landscapes, emphasizes abstract images and spiritual self-knowledge, making him a significant figure in postwar photography. His work has been exhibited widely and includes notable publications.

Some of my own work similar to him

and first the raw photos, which are the best in my opinion

edited photos

edited on light room ^

these are edited to make the texture more noticeable and into black and white to Mach the artist and all of the photos similar to this artist were taken of plants and mostly close up.

Textural Photos

In Photography, texture refers to the visual quality of the surface of an object. This can be things like the variances in shapes, tone and colour depth. Texture can bring life and vibrance to images which would otherwise look flat and dull.

Edward Weston

Edward Weston is a photographer who is often named as “one of the most innovative and influential American photographers”. He is best known for his Sharply Focused Photos of natural forms, landscapes and nudes. His most famous piece is Pepper No. 30 which is taken of a green pepper in rich black and white tones. Another image he took which interests me is cabbage leaf taken in 1931

Pepper No. 30 Taken by Edward Weston in 1930
Cabbage leaf taken by Edward Weston in 1931

Edward Weston will be my inspiration for my textural photos as I really like the style of how his images are taken and the subjects in them. For example with the Cabbage we can see the veins of the leaves clearly along with the grooves and shape of them.

My Photos

All of the Photos I taken. I have tried to favourite the ones I felt matched the style of Edward Weston as he is what my images are inspired from.

My Six Personal Favourites:

I chose these images as I feel that the detail of the fruit and vegetables can be seen clearly which is important to me as it follows the same idea Edward Weston uses in his images like for example his image ‘cabbage leaf’ where you are able to view the grooves of the cabbages leaf in detail. So with these images it should match up close to his style especially when edited as I will be able to try get those details in the images to pop out more and be more obvious.

My Six Personal Favourites Edited:

These are the images after they have been edited and with the images edited they are looking much better. You can see the details pop out more as the black and white colour scheme brings our attention more to the small details of the images. For instance with the orange picture on the bottom left the wrinkles in the orange skin are more visible and easier to look at compared to the same image in colour. The use of a high aperture also helped to keep the subjects in focus which is needed in order to capture all the small details in the photo.


What is ISO?

ISO controls the amount of light your camera lets in, and therefore how light or dark photos turn out to be. The ‘base’ value of ISO is typically around 100, usually used for sunny outdoor photos or high lighting shoots. For darker / low lighting shoots, ISO 1600 or above is best.

If the ISO is too low – such as the ISO 200 image below – photos can come out too dark or blurry. If the ISO is too high – such as the ISO 6400 image below – photos can turn out grainy or noisy.


Visual ‘noise’ by definition is ‘excessive and irrelevant visual information that can distract, confuse, or overwhelm an observer’. In photography it usually takes the form of grain.

Experimenting with ISO

To experiment with ISO, I took a camera and chose a few subjects to photograph. I found I got the best results (of differences between the ISO settings) in a dark room photographing an LED music deck.

I held the camera in the same position and repeated the same shot using a range of ISO settings, and these were my results.

Texture and paper photos

What is texture?

Texture in photography is all about how the surface of an object looks visually. It shows up through differences in shape, tone, and colour depth. Adding texture makes photos more lively and exciting, turning what could be dull images into something really engaging.

Formal elements and what are they?

Keith Dotson releases a dark but detailed new fine art photograph of leaf  veins – Keith Dotson Photography
Endless by Kurt Voorspoels, Photography | Art Limited
The Formal Elements - Luca nembhard
Repetition in Photography Composition (Pattern & Rhythm) • PhotoTraces
Geometric Form Photography
Photography Composition: Negative Space - Photography and Friends
Photography Element of Composition: Texture - Goodhart
What Is Tonal Range in Photography?

Marc Anderson

Marc Anderson is famous for his nature photography, especially his amazing close-up shots of tree bark. His pictures really highlight the complex details of the bark on trees.

London-based photographer Mark Anderson has moved to Shropshire
Marc Anderson
Coolest Tree Bark | The World's Best Gardening Blog
Tree Anatomy: Bark - For The Love Of Trees, LLC : For The Love Of Trees, LLC
Some examples
Tree bark as a renewable source of wood protection materials for building  applications (BarkBuild) - InnoRenew CoE InnoRenew CoE

Marc Anderson’s photos are eye-catching, yet they focus on the simplicity of tree bark. He takes a straightforward approach , often referred to as a dead pan approach, to his images. It seems likely that he used a high f-stop number, which keeps everything in sharp focus with little to no blurring.

My Inspiration

Francis Bruguière

Bruguière spent his life trying out different photography techniques like multiple-exposure, solarization, and photograms, along with exploring how regular film reacts to different light wavelengths. However he was most famous for his intricate abstract paper photography. Bruguiere cut up sheets of paper and placed them in random positions so he can capture the cuts and curves within the paper.

Francis Joseph Bruguiere (1879-1945) - Mémorial Find a Grave
Francis Bruguière | Cut Paper Abstraction (1925) | Artsy
Cut-paper Abstraction by Francis Bruguière – Art print, wall art, posters  and framed art
Some examples of his work
Francis Bruguière | Cut Paper Abstraction (1925) | Artsy

My Photoshoot

All my photos

My best photos


My second photoshoot

My best photos


Final images

Overall thoughts and evaluation

I believe the photoshoot turned out really well. I was able to take some close-up shots that showed the texture of the paper in great detail. After editing, the images looked even better, and I’m super pleased with how they came out. Furthermore I managed to use the artificial lighting effectively to show off the small details in the paper and really highlight the texture, corners and creases in the paper.

Focus Control And Aperture

Auto Focus and Manual Focus (AF and MF)

Auto focus is for general use, so you can use it for a large variety of things as it is the basic use for a camera. It automatically focuses the image. Whereas, manual focus is for specific photos you want to take, like close ups and detailed images, so it enables you to control the focus of the image.

Auto focus is typically used to track a subject when it’s moving around the frame, as it’s easier to get a clear image since auto focus will capture the subject without making it blurry.

The Focal Length

Focal length is the optical distance (usually measured in mm) from the centre of its lens and its focus. This helps to determine how much you can see from the camera.

For example, in this image below, you can recognise that the picture taken on the far left has been from up close, whereas the image on the far right is using a high focal length and a shallow depth of field as the background’s blurry. By using the focal length, the man’s face is now more symmetrical, as it’s taken from afar but zoomed in to make him look more proportionally accurate.

Depth of Field and Aperture

depth of field is..

Aperture controls the amount of light let into the camera by adjusting the lens. The higher the f/stop number, for example, f/22, the smaller the lens hole will mean there will be a small aperture. This enables the entire image to be in focus, with all the details being clearly visible. Whereas, with a lower f/stop number, like f/2.8, only the subject will be visible with the rest being more blurry. You can look at other examples on this chart below:

My examples from the Canon Camera Simulator:

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-325.png

Shutter Speed: 1/3

Aperture: 22

ISO Setting: 400

At this aperture, you can notice that everything is in focus, as the higher the aperture, the clearer the image will be. This is useful when you take photos where you want everything to be in focus, like if you were to take a photo of landscapes as all the minuscule details are captured.

Shutter Speed: 1/60

Aperture: 8

ISO Setting: 1600

As you can see, in this image the plane is still in focus, however around the edges the objects are slightly blurred. This is because the aperture number is in the middle between out of focus and clear.

Shutter Speed: 1/180

Aperture: 2.8

ISO Setting: 400

In this image, it is recognised that only the subject (the plane) is in focus whilst everything else is blurred and out of focus. This is due to the low aperture number, but this is good for taking images where you only want one subject to be the main focus.

Artist Research

Ralph Eugene Meatyard

Ralph was born in 1925 and passed in 1976, but in his lifetime Meatyard pursued his passion for photography in various ways, like his most famous work ‘Zen Twigs’ and his no focus work. His ‘Zen Twigs’ are photos of zoomed in twigs (using large aperture and a small depth of field) to make the twigs the main subject and the rest blurred. His no focus images are made by putting the camera on manual focus and changing the lens to create a foggy effect.


Ralph specialised in changing the cameras focus and depth of field, as well as motion blur and a range of exposure to invent an interesting look, as your mind tries to assemble what some of the images actually are, like in the ones above where you can partially figure out what it is.

Contact Sheet

My Zen Twigs in colour

Best Photos: Edited

My Zen Twigs in Black & White

Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the time taken for the shutter of the camera to close. There are such things as fast shutter speed – which is needed for fast moving objects like sports, or quick animals, or slow shutter speed – which is used to create a blurred or delayed effect, like a cars tail lights when it drives.

A slow shutter speed can increase the amount of light let in through the lens, whereas a fast shutter speed has a shorter amount of time to let light through the lens, meaning images can sometimes become ore dim-lit. A slow shutter speed’s exposure time is usually around 1/4, and an example of a fast shutter speeds exposure time is 1/500.

In-between these two, is a medium shutter speed like 1/30 seconds. A medium shutter speed is the in-between amount from a fast shutter and a slow shutter speed. To understand this concept, look at the image below:

Understanding Shutter Speed — GreenCastle Photography

Artist Research

Francesca Woodman

Francesca Stern Woodman was a talented photographer who was born in America (April 3rd, 1858 – January 19th, 1981). She is well-known for her long exposure images, which consist of herself and other female models making extravagant movements to achieve a continuous and blurred effect. Woodman’s work was in monochrome colours, to enhance and highlight the range of movement seen in her work. Her images were actually part of her portfolio, as she unfortunately passed at only 22 years old. Her work is loved by many still to this day, decades later.

Here are some examples of her work:

In my images, I implemented Francesca’s shutter speed photos into mine by spinning around to create a similar effect. But, I also had to be weary and ensure my images weren’t having exposure for too long, as that can cause the image to dim so the work isn’t visible.

My Contact Sheet: Studio Images

My Contact Sheet: Outside

Best Photos Outside: Edited


Paper Ball Photoshoot

These images were inspired by Paul Jackson who was an artist from north of England. Jackson claims to have “been a fan of photography since he could walk”. He is currently studying for a BA in Photography and has trained in the New York Film Academy. Before his career in photography Jackson used to serve in the British Military. He is also a performer and enjoys travel and playing rugby. Here are some of his original works:
Original Image was taken with Canon EOS 1200D, Exp 1/40, IOS 100, f/4

I then edited the Original Image using these settings on Photoshop:


I then used an auto B&W filter from photoshop.

Edited Image
Original Image taken with: Canon EOS 1200D, Exp 1/40, IOS 3200, f/14

I then edited the image using these settings on Photoshop:

I then also used blur tool to get rid of some of the noise in the back ground due to insignificant lighting when I took the image
I also used the sharpen tool to make the paper ball more in focus.
Edited Image
Original Image taken with: Canon EOS 1200D, Exp 1/125, IOS 100, f/22

I then edited the image using these settings on Photoshop:

Edited Image
Original Image

I used drastic settings when changing the vibrance to create a Black and White effect

I also used “Spot Healing Tool” to correct any small visual “mistakes” that I felt might take away from the main subject.
I then took a more abstract approach to cropping the image.
Edited Image
Original Image taken with: Canon EOS 1200D, Exp 1/125, IOS 800, f/10

I then edited the image using these settings on Photoshop:


I also hanged the image to black and white and manually changed the settings

I also cropped the image
Edited Image
Original Image taken with: Canon EOS 1200D, Exp 1/125, IOS 800, f/10

I then edited the image using these settings on Photoshop:


I also used the “Sharpness Tool” to help keep the focus on some specific areas.

Edited Image
Original Image taken with: Canon EOS 1200D, Exp 1/80, IOS 400, f/7.1

I then edited the image using these settings on Photoshop:

Brightness/ Contrast
Colour Balance
I then cropped the image
Final Image – I decided to try experiment with colour in this image despite many of Paul Jackson’s images being in B&W and bring out the colours in the shadows by enhancing them in photoshop.