All posts by Millie Dempster



Shutter Speed

Shutter speed is the speed at which the shutter of the camera closes. A fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure and controls the amount of light the camera takes in and a slow shutter speed gives the photographer a longer exposure.

Eadweard Muybridge

Eadweard Muybridge is remembered today for his pioneering photographic studies of motion, which ultimately led to the development of cinema. He was hired to photograph a horse’s movement to prove that a horse’s hooves are clear of the ground at a trot.

To take these clear shots of a moving horse he used a high shutter speed to capture the act. Shutter speed is the amount of time that the shutter is open and how much light it is exposed too.. A fast shutter speed creates a shorter exposure ,the amount of light the camera takes in and a slow shutter speed gives the photographer a longer exposure.

This is a photo I took with a high shutter speed. This is a torch being moved in a shape of a star.

This is a photo i took with a low shutter speed you can tell as it is quite blurry and not a clear image.

Aperture and Depth of feild

The aperture controls the amount of light that enters through iris in the lens and is measured in f/stop ,you can adjust this by changing said f/stops.

Depth of field is defined as what is in focus in front and behind the subject, shallow depth in field has limited things in focus often with a blurred background this requires f/stop or f/2 or f/4 depth of field is defined by aperture the higher the number the more in focus an example of this would be f/16 or f/22

Aperture Priority and Depth of Field in Digital Photography

As seen here the aperture is f/2.8 meaning the depth