This is where my photos are saved in the video data drive
This is my contact sheet. After importing my images onto Lightroom from my documents, I now have a display of all of my images. I have flagged the photos that I prefer so its easier to find my best work.
This is my final flagged images.
After finding a picture I want to edit, on the left side there is a ‘Presets’ option which allows me to automatically edit my pictures with settings that are all ready made.
On the right side of the screen it shows me the histogram which tells me the ISO, shutter speed, and focal length.
Below the histogram, there is all he filters that help edit your photos such as colour, shadowing, exposure, highlights and more.
This is one of my photos that I have edited. the picture on the left is before editing and the picture on the right is after editing. I used lots of the different editing techniques on Lightroom to be able to change the colour of the photo whilst also making it more blurry.