Adobe Lightroom is a photo editing and storage application available through the Adobe Creative Cloud. This program allows users to quickly and easily edit their photographs with tools to alter contrast, colour and change brightness. This can be done on mobile devices immediately after taking the picture.
I started with the creation of a catalogue which involved setting up my own station for the application.
I selected a few of my own photographs from my computer which I imported into the software.
I created a collection of these images called ‘shutter speed’ as this is what my selected photos present.
I used selection functions to categorise my photos and group them into ones I wanted to work with and those of the same colour pallet.
I then played around with the quick develop mode where I eventually made my photographs black and white.
I then moved onto exploring develop mode for working individually on my images. Here I experimented with many adjustments and interesting effects.
For some adjustments, I went for a more dramatic edit while I was more gentle for others. This was just to see the variety of edits I could make to images.
Contact sheets, which are easily made with the help of Adobe Lightroom, are pieces of paper featuring a set of thumbnail images. These are used so photographers can better compare each single image against the others.
William Klein conceived his original series when he was in the process of reviewing other photographers’ contact sheets for a film he was making. Referencing the age of film photography when photographers selected images by circling individual negatives on a contact sheet, Klein’s works invent a new kind of art that merges painting and photography.