Landscape Introduction

‘A landscape is the visible features of an area of land, its landforms, and how they integrate with natural or human-made features, often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal.’ – google

Landscapes Roots/Origin:

  • Began with the Greeks and Romans – creating wall painting
  • Wasn’t as common after the fall of Roman Empire
  • Was then seen as something for religious and figural scenes
  • After the 16th century, artists viewed landscapes as its own thing – seeing nature as its own subject
  • The renaissance made it even more popular

Origin of The Word ‘Landscape’

  • The word ‘landscape’ originates from the Dutch word landschap which meant ‘region’
  • Artists took the word and applied a new definition “a picture depicting scenery on land” in the early 1500s
  • Landscape images first became popular in the Netherlands
  • The subject ‘landscapes’ were inferior to other subjects such as: religious, mythological and allegorical themes
  • When they started becoming popular they were still used for religious paintings

Finally accepting Landscapes:

  • Accepted in the 18th century
  • French artist Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes saw the opportunity of landscapes as a ‘worthy status of history painting’
  • In 1800 he published a book about landscapes highlighting the aesthetic ideal of the historic landscape

Photography and The 20th-Century Landscape:

  • Ansel Adams was able to capture Americas attention by taking a picture of the American West
  • The subject of landscape wasn’t as popular because of the increase of industrialization, the threat of global destruction and the ecological disasters
  • Due to this landscape photography was challenged and now and included concepts like urban, cultural, industrial landscapes etc

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