Exposure Bracketing

Exposure compensation

Exposure compensation is a feature that allows you to adjust the automatic exposure settings of your camera. This is especially useful in tricky lighting situations, like when there’s uneven light, when using filters, or when your photos are too dark or too bright. With exposure compensation, you can manually change the brightness of your images by either boosting or reducing the exposure.

Exposure Compensation Definition - What is Exposure Compensation by SLR  Lounge

Exposure bracketing

Exposure bracketing lets you snap three photos with varying exposure levels, ensuring that at least one of them will perfectly capture the light just right.

Exposure Bracketing Photography [COMPLETE GUIDE]

HDR photos

Dynamic range refers to the difference between the lightest and darkest areas in a picture. HDR, which stands for high dynamic range, is a term used for cameras or methods that allow you to capture a wider range of light than what standard dynamic range (SDR) cameras can pick up.

A graphic showing a simulation of the difference between standard dynamic range and high dynamic range. The graphic shows a landscape with a cloudy sky. The right half, simulating HDR, has brighter highlights, darker shadows, and clearer colors.

My attempt


HDR merged

Some more photos

HDR Merged

HDR Merged

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