Landscape photography

I took these images in late afternoon around 6pm,I took pictures of the landscape around my house, my idea was to take images in late afternoon because it adds a certain mood to it and also it relates to romanticism which was a topic we were recently studying about and I liked how the images are quite dark.

Because I took these set of pictures late afternoon there wasn’t much light so some photos came put really dark.

Favourite images that I took

These were the images that I liked they are all quite dark but that’s something I was looking for, I really like the 1st and 2nd image where all the image is really dark but the sunset is really defined.

editing on Lightroom

I edited this image so the sunset would have more contrast and be brighter, and the rest to be darker so the focus is on the sunset.

I really like this image because since I used a high ISO the image created a more vintage look which since we are studying older photographers I think this image fits really well.

I tried editing it to black and white but I prefer the original one, because of the blue undertone that it has.

This is the original image which I like but I think it would look better in black and white and it also shows more relation to Ansel Adams.

This image didn’t turn out the way I wanted but I still wanted somehow make it work through editing on Lightroom, After trying different contrast, exposures etc, I found that Black and white was the best option for this image.

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