Jelle Martens Editing

  1. To start…


  • So you can use parts of your landscape image more than once, I recommend that you duplicate your landscape layer. This saves you having to insert it a second time ​
  • In the layers panel, drag the landscape layer photo below the pattern layer 


  • Select magic wand tool ​
  • Make sure ‘Contiguous’ in the top bar is ticked (this stops it selecting the whole image and allows it to select areas of your pattern)​


  • In the layers panel, make sure you have the top pattern layer selected. ​
  • Use the magic wand to select areas of the pattern you want to keep.

5. Then invert your selection (Then click > select > inverse).


  • In the layers panel, click onto the landscape layer (this is really important so you don’t delete the pattern!!!)​
  • Click delete 

7. You can also try filling sections of the pattern layer to add colour​

8.. Repeat using the same photo or different photos to build up your image.