Exposure Bracketing: when you bracket your shots you take exactly the same picture of your subject at several different exposures. One that is slightly under-exposed (negative exposure), and the second one slightly over-exposed (positive exposure)

Exposure Condensation: is how you manually set the exposure for each photo. It can quickly adjust how light or how dark your exposure will be using these controls
Start with 1 stop variations. So, take a shot at -1 on the exposure compensation dial, then turn the dial so it reads -2 and then -3. Repeat, this time overexposing at +1, +2, and +3. You may not use all these images in the final HDR but it’s good to have the data just in case

Automatic Exposure Bracketing is when the camera automatically takes three or more shots, each at a different exposure.
Or set the amount of “bracketing” like this…
In the menu, select the second tab and go to ‘Expo. Comp. /AEB

- Use the dial on the top of the camera to set the range of exposure you want to capture with your 2nd and 3rd photo

- After you have set the exposure range, you will see two extra marks on the exposure metre…

- Now take 3 photos and your camera will automatically change the exposure for each one.
- TIP: You can also set the camera to continuous shooting, to take 3 photos in close succession – all you need to do is hold the shutter button down.

HDR Photos: is a technique that helps you get details in the brightest and darkest parts of your photographs. It can be achieved by taking multiple bracket images and blend them together to create a single beautifully exposed photograph with a full dynamic range of tone.

Editing Process
To achieve the following Images, I edited the Vignette, Exposure Bracketing, HDR and Vibrancy

Of course I couldn’t use the same settings for all my Landscape Photos. E.g. using the same Vibrancy setting to make the image too colourful or adding a Vignette to a slightly brighter image which blends in quite well creating a fading effect and using the same Vignette on a different image that is darker wont make it stand out as much.

Landscape HDR Photoshoot response