Exposure Compensation
Exposure compensation helps you override automatic exposure adjustments your camera makes in situations with uneven light distribution, filters, non-standard processing, or underexposure or overexposure. It lets you take control of your image’s brightness by manually increasing or decreasing exposure.

Exposure Bracketing
Exposure bracketing is a technique where, instead of taking a single photo, you take three (or more) that are all exposed slightly differently; normally one is correctly exposed, one slightly underexposed, and one slightly overexposed.

HDR Photos
HDR stands for High Dynamic Range and refers to a technique that expresses details in content in both very bright and very dark scenes. It offers a more natural and realistic picture output even with a widened range of contrast.

Example HDR Images
Image 1

The 3 images above were the images taken to create the final HDR product. The first one is -1 underexposed, the second is balanced and the third is +1 overexposed.

This was the final product produced after merging all 3 images, with a few automatic adjustments applied to exposure and contrast.
Image 2

The 3 individual images used to create the HDR version.

Final result, with better visibility of details in less exposed areas.