Portrait exploring lighting photoshoot

We went down to the studio as a group of 5 and we tried different techniques of lighting them being Butterfly lighting and Rembrandt lighting we switched positions through the photoshoot so everyone would have a go at taking the pictures, arranging the light, modelling and managing the reflector.

These were out best images.

This was the first picture I took trying out the Rembrandt lighting technique, I think the upside down triangle is really defined and we did that by using a reflector on the side that we wanted the triangle. The light was far away from the model and a bit higher than her but not too much.


I made this image black and white because it makes it look more professional and it also makes the Rembrandt lighting stand out wish was the initial idea.


For the butterfly lighting we positioned the camera quite high and pointing down , then the model used a small reflector to this effect of a butterfly.


I decided to keep this one in colour but make the shadows more defined this darker lighting that I’ve created through editing makes the image have more meaning in a way that it looks moody. This way I think the image also looks very professional and the quality is very good.


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