I imported a selection of photos I took of paper texture onto adobe Lightroom. I the went through the photos and narrowed my selection to the ones I thought were the best.
For this experiment I scrunched up a piece of paper into a ball to make a boring plain piece of paper into a creative shape that includes irregular patterns and repetitions of lines and shadows. In the process of taking this photo I used artificial light in order to intensify the shadows within the scrunched up paper ball. Before editing this photo it was white with average shadows so in order to develop this photo further I intensified the saturation, vibrancy, temperature, tint and shadows which gave the paper a purple tint and deepen the shadows within the piece of paper to make this photo more interesting. The purpose of this exercise was to explore both the visual elements but also the key functions of the camera and the lighting system.
For taking this photo I As the exposure is 0 it shows that this photo is balanced.
Instead of editing colour into this photo, I made it black and white to make tones and shadows the main subject of this photo. There are many different tones within the lines and crevices of the piece of paper, some light tones and some darker tones adding depth and help define this shape.