Textures/paper photography

I this project we were told to scrunch up paper and photograph it in different lights and settings to try create interesting shapes and shadows.

this was the first photoshoot, I scrunched paper in different shapes and moving the lights around to the light and shadows were different.

these were my two favourite favourite pictures there isn’t much difference other than one being more zoomed in than the other.

This was the picture I ended up choosing to edit and work with because there is a lot a texture coming from the paper and think she shadow made an interesting shape, there is also a lot of dark and bright spots which I like to have in my images.

I made the image black and white, I kept the exposure and the contrast the same, however I lowered the highlights, shadows and whites and added a bit of more black.

Jerry Reed

Jerry Reed is an English photographer who claims his objects is to sustain the interest of he viewer through his photographs. He focuses heavily on a contrast in the shadows from the light on the paper, giving a very two-toned. Jerry transition from commercial studio photographer to conceptual fine artist required changing what his images were of what they were about. During this process the was guided by his extensive knowledge of art history- painting, sculpture and photography.

Image Analyse

This image is taken using artificial lighting which was smartly positioned to make the right shadows. The depth of field in this image is focused and sharp. And the aperture that was used to create this image mas about an F8.In this image there are only 3 different colours them being black, white and different shades of grey. The tone in this image in dark in the background but the actual focus point is very light this choice by the artist makes the image contrast very well and . There is little to no texture in this image everything is quite smooth. Jerry reed talks about his ” paper work series 1 ” he says that this series took him 3 years to create and it consists of 26 black and white images. the paper sculptures were crafted by Reed. In the the woven tale press website they say ” His studio background is evident in the creative use of Fresnel lighting techniques, which can accentuate sharp or soft edges as well as master shadows, their often sensual and quite subtle tonal gradients.” This image reminds me of a flower. In my opinion is one of the only images in this series that don’t actually look like paper and I think that’s really interesting how he used a simple material lie paper and made it look like something so interesting and beautiful. His knowledge in art history could also help him know how to look at simple things and have the creative mind to transform them in something so artistic and creative.

work inspired by Jerry Reed

for this photoshoot I used more structured paper and photographed it in different angles and ISO and lighting.

these were my favourite pictures, the ones that have better quality and are more interesting.

I then labelled it green or yellow to get closer to the best one.

In my opinion the is my best photograph I think the shadows make the image really interesting and give the image have more texture


This is how edited my picture, I really enjoy seeing black and white photos when the image has a lot of shadows like this one, I this it makes the image have more personality and makes it more interesting it also creates a mood its quite dark and abstract which I like.

photoshoot 2 in the style of jerry reed

In this photoshoot I liked more the pictures that were taken using a red light I like how the unfocused is in the right places.

these were my favourite pictures that I took, the more interesting ones and I like how they don’t look like they were made from paper.

these were the 4 pictures which I liked more I this the shapes are interesting the light is well positioned next step is to choose my 2 favourite ones so then I can edit them.

These were my favourite ones I think they kind of look like rose petals I really like that.


I edited this image by making it darker, my idea mas to make the image not look like it was made from paper and make it look more abstract , creative and interesting. Like I said before I like how this image looks like rose petals and I think editing it made made idea look better.

In this image I edited it almost like the one above, I wanted to make some parts at the front darker and then the part where the light hits the most lighter so it gives that effect of depth.

Experimenting with photoshop

I used photoshop to make this and I used an tutorial on the blog to do this. The name of this effect is Kaleidoscope​ Effect Which is basically using the same image ad stuck it together to make an interesting effect.

An artist that works with this effect is Amanda Buck she takes pictures of nature and then uses the Kaleidoscope Effect to edit the photo.

expedition created by me on art step

Art step is a really useful website for artists to make expeditions without having to pay, it gives you the option to make your own room or you can use the template that it comes with. I used at first the template but it wasn’t really working for me so I created my own. It’s really easy to add your pictures and move them around to your choice. you can also look at others people expedition.

2 thoughts on “Textures/paper photography”

  1. Good signs of progress here…but please ensure you are making critical and creative decisions throughout…be reflective and then refine your outcomes.
    Your presentation methods are also important !
    Aim to highlight key words and technical vocab – this highlights your understanding and can improve your marks…

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