what is ISO – ISO (or international organization for standardization) is how sensitive the camera is to light, the higher the number is, the more light the camera lets in. From this we can imagine that the higher the number in a lighted condition the lower the quality of image, and in dark conditions it will benefit the image.
We will most likely see results like this from an example I have found on the internet of ISO –
what you can see above is something known as visual noise or white noise, this can be created by a high ISO in an image making it less visually appealing.
I will take picture with ISO in both light and dark conditions to represented which can be seen below.
contact sheet
ISO in a lighted condition –
ISO in a dark condition –
Final image selection and edited images
as you can see above I used P and X to flag my images to filter out the bad ones from the ok and good ones, next I rated these images 4 or 5 stars as 4 being ok ones and 5 being good ones, finally I gave them the colour yellow or green, green being the best and yellow being good. I will now edit these images that I selected and present them bellow.
from the images I have taken I can prove what I said in the beginning and represent how ISO effects an image. on top of this I found out that also upping the shutter speed on the camera will also increase the brightness of the image while still keeping high quality in a dark environment. This perfectly represents how you must use all 3 ( ISO, shutter speed and aperture ) to produce a high slandered image.
in conclusion this task has taught me a lot of key skills and has shown me how ISO effects the image.