
Guy Bourdin was a French artist and fashion photographer known for his highly stylized and provocative images. From 1955, Bourdin worked mostly with Vogue as well as other publications. His work focusing on unique and detailed texture is interesting due to the visual noise and desaturated effects it presents.

My texture photoshoot

For my photographs, I tried to include some aspects of Bourdin’s composition including zooming into interesting textures to where an object can become unrecognisable. With a few of my images, I focused on creating the breakage effect that he has in his work as I believe this visual is effective. I mostly focused on photographing natural forms and street found objects in order to show a variety of colour in my contact sheet. I also cropped my images into squares to really bring attention to the formal elements within my photographs. These elements were also highlighted in my edits of my best photos. This was mainly due to the contrast and clarity adjustments as this helped to show the shape of the pictures.

Edits of my strongest photos

Final presentation

One thought on “Texture”

  1. Some effective imagery being produced here!
    Remember to add more description, explanation and justification for your creative decisions as you progress and make connections with the key artists too.
    You are clearly working hard, so keep it up!

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