What is Adobe Lightroom Classic?
Lightroom Classic provides all the editing tools you need on your computer to enhance your photos. You can boost colours, turn boring images into eye-catching ones, eliminate unwanted distractions, and fix crooked pictures.
I learnt to use Lightroom today.

First I learnt to import photos into Lightroom.

I then put all of my imported photos into a collection, this was stored in the D drive (Video Data).

I then learnt how to rate photos with the 5 star feature. furthermore I then used the flagging system to pick which photos I liked and which photos I didn’t.

After learning the basics I then decided to play around with the develop mode and learn how to effectively edit one image at a time.

I used this menu on the right hand side to edit and change my image to improve many different aspects of it.

This is how the image looked after I edited it, the main noticeable difference is the vibrancy change to make the image much more appealing.

Using the side by side comparison future the differences are clearly shown.

I then learnt to use the pre-set filters.

Contact Sheets
What are Contact Sheets?
A contact sheet is a type of photographic paper that displays a collection of small images. These images are taken from a roll of film that the photographer has sliced into several strips. The photographer then places these negatives on the sheet to see all the images side by side, making it easier to compare them.
Contact Sheet example

Willian Klein
William Klein (April 19, 1926 – September 10, 2022) was a photographer and filmmaker who was born in the U.S. but later became a French citizen. He was known for his unique and ironic style in both photography and filmmaking, often using unconventional techniques in photojournalism and fashion photography. Klein was recognized as the 25th most influential photographer by Professional Photographer magazine in their list of the top 100 photographers.

Work example