used the link below to find these ideas:
(Ideas):Crime and deviance
-A more narrow definition of a cultural conflict dates to Daniel Bell‘s 1962 essay, “Crime as an American Way of Life”, and focuses on criminal-enabling consequences of a clash in cultural values.
–William Kornblum defines it as a conflict that occurs when conflicting norms create “opportunities for deviance and criminal gain in deviant subcultures.”
-Kornblum notes that, whenever laws impose cultural values on a group that does not share those views (often, this is the case of the majority imposing their laws on a minority), illegal markets supplied by criminals are created to circumvent those laws.
-Kornblum also classifies the cultural conflict as one of the major types of conflict theory.
(Ideas):Conflicting values
–Jonathan H. Turner defines cultural conflict as a conflict caused by “differences in cultural values and beliefs that place people at odds with one another.”
-On a micro level, Alexander Grewe discusses a cultural conflict between guests of different culture and nationality as seen in a British 1970 sitcom, Fawlty Towers.
-Cultural conflicts are difficult to resolve as parties to the conflict have different beliefs.
– Cultural conflicts intensify when those differences become reflected in politics, particularly on a macro level. An example of cultural conflict is the debate over abortion.

Personally, I believe that there are a lot of things causing cultural wars such as inequality, racism and other things such as religion and sex plus people trying to find their identity. I think that people should just accept certain people for who they are but there are also people who abuse the system by claiming information and wanting to make it real. It’s the fact that everyone is different and everyone has an opinion, certain feel as though they have the right for everyone to hear their thoughts where as others disagree, it’s hard to get everyone to agree with the same things that’s why we have conflicts and wars, we have the different genders fighting for different things such as women wanting equality, and certain men believing they should have the power, through all these ideas and conflicts to make everything easier the genders should be neutralised, this would be a huge problem for certain but why should men be above women just like why should certain races be above others. We have had constant arguments about Black Lives Matter and why they should be equal to the rest, these fights are all very unmatured to my opinion as everyone is human and deserve to have the same rights as everyone else, no one is left out, no one is judged and no one should have to sacrifice more things to have the same thing in return. This society has changed a lot which impacts the way people think and act. There are many things that have changed people’s perspective on life and some opinions are more valid than others, however it doesn’t change the fact that everyone has an opinion and has the right to express it. We have conflicts on things on abortion, some people believe that it is murder while others believe that abortion should be allowed, each opinion is valid, but I do believe that it should be the women’s decision if she wants to keep the baby or not. Many people would go against my opinion which I think is wrong as everyone has freedom of speech, there are conflicts about religion and how people may have different beliefs that someone else and therefore creates this exclusion. Some religions are more restrictive and make people wear religious symbols, headscarf’s whereas other religions are kept more on the down low. People believe that showing of your religion can impact how people think for example, children might feel forced to have a religion based on what they see around them. All together they will always be conflicts in society as everyone is so different and we don’t all agree which is a good and bad thing.