It is one of the oldest portrait lighting techniques. The technique relates to the 17th Century painter & his technique of adding light to the side of the face in his paintings.
It is considered a dramatic lighting effect with half the face in shadow and the other half-it .
Photographers use Rembrandt lighting as it creates images to look dramatic and moody yet natural with the featuring dark and/or background behind the subject, putting the subject front and centre. It “predominately characterized” by a lit-up triangle underneath the subject’s eye on the less illuminated area of the face (fill side).
Binary Opposition has roots in Saussurean structuralist theory in linguistics where two ‘opposites’ are defied by one another and get compared. Examples of binary opposites:
Good vs Evil
Black vs white
Masculinity vs Femininity
‘Masculinity and femininity’ is a common example of binary opposites and a common comparison for backgrounds, discrimination and privilege. It is an easy comparison to make and is one of many that is commonly mentioned in conversations about identity politics and culture wars.
Identity Politics and Culture Wars
Identity Politics are politics based on identity. Many factors influence and makeup someone’s identity such as:
Gender, and
Social background
Identity by definition is a factual makeup of a person, however it is also a personal interpretation of what makes you you. Personal identity can bring people with similar struggles, opinions and backgrounds together, but can similarly split two people apart for little reason creating tension which builds into ‘culture wars’.
A culture war is a cultural conflict between different social groups who struggle to impose their own ideology. They can be small and harmless grown out of innocent competition or aggressive and hate filled.
Identity can bring people together by harnessing their joined identity to create a community. This group could be a positive thing aimed to help and boost one another but could also become a negative environment if each person holds grudges and fuel one another’s hatred. These communities can build within a geographical location or online in recent times.
Recently left wing LGBT communities have taken over the media. Some label this movement ‘woke propaganda’ as though communities haven’t been fighting for genuine respect for decades. This community strays from the traditional Binaries of gender and therefore defy stereotypical gender norms which upsets conservatives.
The LGBT community has culminated a bad reputation online from loud individuals who attack ‘wrong’ or uneducated individuals for disagreeing with their opinions. They are known to ‘doxx’ these individuals which puts them in harms way. Despite the loud commotion on sites like twitter, other sites are relatively quiet since the large group is not as easily connected.
Groups with shared identities are often sectioned into subcultures online. These can help young people connect and socialise with people with similar interests and feel understood. They could also push young people to become closed off and distant from ‘outsiders’. These communities are also infamous for weaponizing joined identity or radicalisation.
Masculinity vs Femininity
This is one of the most prevalent examples of binary opposition which is acknowledged even by children in the playground due to the ‘social norms’ pushed by society from a very young age. This is achieved in many ways including: marketing, characters in tv and personal experiences. This both separates the two and pits them against each other creating competition and unease.
The differences between the two could be as simple as long hair being associated with girls and short hair with boys. Not particularly harmful stereotypes but prevalent ones regardless.
Masculine stereotypes:
Strength, aggression, well educated, breadwinner, provider, emotionally unavailable, anger, blues, reds, gyms, positions of power, power in general, cars, dinosaurs, trains, army, work, trousers
Women are often seen as inferior for being emotional, weaker and dumber due to a past of different education and standards being measuring with men’s strengths in mind.
Studio Lighting is when a photographer uses artificial lighting source to either add to the light that’s already there or completely light their photograph. It allows you to experiment, modify and manipulate the light in interesting ways and in a variety of situations for example the variety of the situation could be whether the photography or videography is a from a thriller movie where the light source may be form one direct aspect/direction or a general model to photographer photoshoot where the lighting with not be blinding and appear in a general broad direction in contrast.
Studio lights should be placed at a 45 degree angle from the subject.
Identity A photograph resembles the likeness of what appeared before the lens. Which means
Identity Politics
Identity politics, as a mode of categorizing, are closely connected to the ascription that some social groups are oppressed (such as women, ethnic minorities, and sexual minorities); that is, the idea that individuals belonging to those groups are, by virtue of their identity, more vulnerable to forms of oppression.
Identity Politics in Jersey
Jersey didn’t want to move away from English and convert to Jerriais because they saw Jerriais as a ‘farm’ language and saw English as more of an international language.
Masculinity is seen to be the trait which emphasizes ambition, acquisition of wealth, and differentiated gender roles. Masculinity involves displaying attitudes and behaviours that signify and validate maleness, and involves being recognised in particular ways by other men and women. Traits traditionally viewed as masculine in Western society include strength, courage, independence, leadership, and assertiveness.
Femininity is a quality of acting in a typically womanly, girlish, or feminine way. Different cultures have different ideas of what femininity looks like. If you’re a gentle, sweet-natured person, your grandmother may praise your femininity. Traits such as nurturance, sensitivity, sweetness, supportiveness, gentleness, warmth, passivity, cooperativeness, expressiveness, modesty, humility, empathy, affection, tenderness, and being emotional, kind, helpful, devoted, and understanding have been cited as stereotypically feminine.
Masculinity Vs Femininity is that in a masculine culture, men are expected to be assertive, competitive, and focused on material success. Women are expected to be nurturing and focused on people and quality of life. In contrast, Hofstede says a feminine culture or feminine society is one where gender roles are more fluid.
This photo contradicts the masculinity vs femininity because it is a man with no shirt which is masculine, but then it shows him using makeup which is feminine, so it’s actually both in one photo.
Subject looks off into distance or directly at the camera.
Multiple exposures behind/to the side or infront.
Centre of the frame.
Need to line up eyes if they are both pictures are same angle.
Main photo no expression, layered photo shows facial expression.
Dark background, layered photos less or more transparency.
For this multi-exposure montage picture I imported my model into photoshop, duplicated it two more times and dragged the two copied pictures behind the main photo and selected both of them to have 50% opacity with no background and put them equal on each side.
For this photo I imported the same picture twice with both overlapping each other with the multiply effect on both. Then created a box on the left with the left photo, made it pink, flipped the other same photo to the other side but made it green, but left a thick white bar in the middle to show the split.
The photographs that are highlighted green are the photos I have chosen to edit, because they use a variety of lighting, positioning and poses.
Set Up
There were multiple different set ups for the different types of lighting used. However, the same two studio lights were used. One light was a honey comb light, while the other had a snout. The snout directs the light to a specific place, whereas the honey comb light creates a strong spot light effect. I also used coloured disks and sheets to create different coloured lighting.
Split lighting-
For the split coloured lighting the light with the snout was on the right side of the model with a coloured disk inside it and the honeycomb light was on the left of the model with a coloured sheet help over it. Both lights were to the side of the camera at a 45 degree angle, but the snout light was slightly closer the the model, as it is a less powerful and bright light.
Spotlight behind-
To create the coloured spot light behind the model. while the model is a different colour, the snout light needs to be behind the model on her left pointing at a 45 degree angle onto the background wall. Whereas, the honeycomb light needs to be on the right of the model in line with the camera on a 45 degree angle directly onto the model. The snout light has a coloured disk inside and the honey comb light has a coloured sheet held in front of it.
Editing- Diamond Cameo
I chose to edit these 4 photos, so I would be able to create a Diamond Cameo with them, as they include all the positions/ angles needed for it.
I edited this first photograph to increase the exposure, so the image would be less dark. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, highlights, whites, blacks and vibrancy, while decreasing the shadows.
I also created a black and white version of the edited photograph, by creating a virtual copy of the edited photo. I also used a spot removal tool to get rid of any blemishes.
I edited this photo to also increase the exposure, so the image would be lighter. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, texture, clarity and vibrancy, while decreasing the blacks and whites.
I also made a virtual copy of the edited photograph and made a black and white version.
I edited this photo to make it brighter, so the model is more visible. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the whites and highlights.
I also made a virtual copy of the edited photograph, so I could create a black and white version.
I edited this photo to increase the exposure and to make it brighter. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the highlights and whites. I also used an eye brightening tool, so the eyes stand out more.
I also made a black and white version of the edited photograph by making a virtual copy. I also used a spot correction tool to get rid of any blemishes.
Final 4 Coloured Images for Diamond Cameo
Final 4 B&W Images for Diamond Cameo
Photoshop- Diamond Cameo
This is my first attempt of creating a diamond cameo on photoshop. Firstly, I imported my four photos which I wanted to use for my diamond cameo onto a background on photoshop. I then selected them all together to resize them to fit the background perfectly. Then, I positioned my four layers where I want them.
Then I select a layer and select the elliptical marque tool and select the feather at 15, so the edges of my ovals fade in and aren’t sharp ovals. Then, I cut out my desired size and shape oval on the selected layer and right click in the oval click layer via copy to create a copy of the oval cut out.
Next, I delete the selected layer without the cut out oval and then repeat this for all the four layers.
Next, I experimented with my diamond cameo, by changing the background to black by using the gradient tool to fill in the background with black paint. I also experimented with giving my diamond cameo an older look, so I could try and replicate a Henry Mullins diamond cameo.
I made an older looking diamond cameo like Henry Mullins by using the filters on the top right of my screen and changing how harsh or light I want them.
Double Multi-Exposure
These are the two images I am going to be using for my Multi-exposure photographs, because they are similar, but also have a very obvious difference, which is how the model is using her hands to pose.
I edited this photos to make them brighter and have a greater exposure. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, vibrancy, texture, clarity and saturation, while decreasing the whites and highlights.
This is my first attempt of a double multi- exposure photograph. I created this on photoshop, by firstly layering my two chosen images on a plain background. I select one of my layers then adjust the opacity of the one layer, so it is more transparent. Then I position the more transparent layer on top of my opaque layer where I want it.
This is the photo I have chosen to edit for my juxtaposition photos, because it has a good composition and is a close up head shot.
I edited this photo to make it brighter and have a higher exposure, so the model would be more visible and so the image would be less dark. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites, blacks, texture, clarity and vibrancy, while decreasing the highlights and saturation.
I then made a virtual copy of the edited photograph and created a black and white version for my juxtaposition.
Sequence/ Grid
These are the images I have chosen to edit, because they are my top 9 photographs. This is because they have the best compositions, poses, lighting and editing skills.
I edited this image to make the models face brighter and for the image to have more exposure, so the model was more visible. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, texture, clarity, vibrancy and saturation, while decreasing the blacks.
I edited all these images to make them brighter, so the colours used to photograph with pop more and are more vibrant and colourful. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, whites, vibrancy and saturation on them all, while also decreasing the highlights and blacks. I also used the brightening tool on the models eyes in all of these images, so the eyes would pop and stand out more.
These are the two images I have chosen to edit and use to create my montage, because they have the best composition, poses and lighting.
I edited these photographs to make them more vibrant, so the colours pop more. I did this by increasing the exposure, contrast, shadows, vibrancy and saturation on both, while decreasing the whites and blacks. I also used the brightening tool to brighten the eyes of the model, so they stand out more.
I conducted a photoshoot in the studio using a honeycomb head and snout head on the lights, putting coloured gels in front of them to give me a more dynamic lighting style instead of an ordinary white and yellow-toned light. I played around with different colours, placements and angles of my subject whilst also using a white or gold reflector so that the light would bounce into my subjects eyes as they are the most compelling section of a persons face.
My best images:
My favourite image:
This is my absolute favourite image as I have added in a creative aspect to it. I took the circular coloured gels out of the snout light and chose 3 colours that complimented each other well: red, orange and yellow. I placed them into my subjects hand as she rested it on her face as I felt it would look more natural and genuine. I really like the way this turned out as the shapes aren’t entirely opaque so that her features have still been brought through but in a completely different colour. I put a green gel into the snout light and used a very pale yellow on the honeycomb light as if I used a bolder coloured this would’ve ruined the illusion I was aiming to create. I used a black curtain behind my subject as this meant she was the focal point of the image and made it look more dramatic. I didn’t have to edit this image very much as I shot it quite well.
After this, I opened all of these into Photoshop where I created a Diamond Cameo using inspiration from Henry Mullins. Unlike him, I created mine in a more modern way as the colour in my photos would not work aesthetically with an old-fashioned style background.
Diamond Cameo:
I added shadows around the bottom and highlights at the top as this creates an illusion of it being framed which is what a Diamond Cameo looks like. Instead of filling the background with a block colour, I decided to fill it with a gradient from white to black, reversing the style of the ‘frame’ around the images, I really like the contrast in this. I chose the use monotone colours because I didn’t want to wash out the saturation of my images, using these more bland colours means that my images pop out to the viewer and catch attention a lot more because they look entirely different to the background as they have bright and bold colours. As the background of the images are black too, I feel like it gives a mirror effect as the background is dark too, making the image not only more mysterious but it points out the colourful lighting used and my subject a lot more.
Angela Marklew is a photographer who mainly focuses on portraiture, in particular the headshots area of it. Marklew was born in Canada however she now takes residence in Los Angeles. Marklew takes multiple different types of portraiture photos however the ones which I particularly like are her coloured gels photographs. She also takes photos for beauty as well as advertising.
In this photo there is a woman holding an orange leaf, this implies it has been taken during the autumn time. Along with the orange leaf there is also orange makeup added to the model’s cheeks to enhance the colour and make the face stand out with the leaf. Angela Marklew’s photos often have a soft look to them which is demonstrated in this photo. this is created by using soft pastel colours rather than harsh bright ones which would stand out against each other too much. By removing majority of the background from the photo Marklew is able to make the model the main focus of the photo. This was also done by using a white background and a white shirt as this causes them to blend together rather than standing out and taking any focus away from the models face. There is a warm tone to this photo due to the warm orange and yellow tones in the leaf and the cheeks of the model as well as the hair colour.
Analysis 2:
This photo is also of a woman however it is not of her full face despite the face being the main focus. Due to half of the face being out of the photo an interesting composition is created. In contrast to the previous photo this one has more of a cooler tone due to the cool tone of pink used on the cheeks and the models blue eyes. This photo also has a soft look to it due to the way that the model blends into the background in the top right section of the photo.
Planning a response
To respond to Angela Marklew’s work I will be using coloured gels to create pictures inspired by her coloured gel photography. I will take these photos in the studio as I will need to use the lighting set up.
My diamond Cameo final presentation and evaluation.
This was my first diamond cameo, I really like the photos and i edited them slightly in Lightroom which added more affect and depth then before, What I don’t like is that its a bit basic and the top and bottom photo are very similar and aren’t different angles its just the facial expression. In some ways I do like that they have different facial expressions as it can tell more of a story of the kind of guy he is, whether he is tough or soft and happy or sad and the viewer has more to interrupt.
For my second diamond cameo I wanted to try something different but used the same photos, this is because in the first photoshoot I take enough different ones and need to take more next time. I edited them in grey and while to give them an old affect that was inspired by henry mullions. I also think it told more of a story, to continue to add this affect I added texture on photoshop to look like the same vibe from old photos once again. I like this but I also think there is too much of the texture and it is hiding the face more.
What I love with these photos is I really started to improve and I did the things that I didn’t like and changed it to make these ones better, I like that all the photos are Edgar going in different directions and it has a yellow tint now to give the coffee spilled affect and oldie look, it also has a slight bit of texture that’s fuzzy but not too much so you can still see the face and the texture given so it can tell its story to the viewer.
What I don’t like is that I should have fixed the contrast ad exposure more as there is a lot of dark shadowing on too much of his face.
This is my final diamond cameo which I loved with the lighting and the different angles but I think it was still boring with no editing and different texture and the oval was cut too tightly around the heads with not much space of the backgrounds.
I liked these photos and mainly wanted to experiment with Photoshop editing to create different affects I had seen. I like this blurry affect on the face and was testing if I wanted it on only the eyes or mouth but then tried it on all the face and like that more. It looks cool but still not my favourite way of editing and I don’t like how it blurred.
This is one of my favourite edits, I figured out how to bring the image over more times and make it transparent in a glitchy, blurred sense , which I actually preferred then using the smudge or blur tool. I really like it but if I was to change it I would make the first image more prominent then the others so it stands out more.
This is some more new editing I was trying that I also really liked and thought looked cool I as trying to add an effect of voices or other people around her to give different meanings to the viewer. I think adding more faces might be cool or having her face in a different facial expression might work better.
I like how this photo turned out but it still wasn’t quite what I was looking for as it is a photo of Ellen with a straight face layered with a more transparent photo of Ellen screaming in a blue colour to give a cool affect that inside she is screaming but shows no emotion, yet it didn’t look quite how I picture but still gives a cool effect and now I think gives more interpretation to viewers.
This is more layering technique which I really liked gave a cool affect.