All posts by vickie



Editing and structure of photo book (personal study)

red line editing:

For this editing, I searched red line/ stitch on the internet and found an image that I was satisfied with and uploaded it onto Photoshop. In Photoshop, using the objection tool on the left, i selected the red line and moved it to the tab where the image, seen above, was. I placed the red line on top of the people seen in the image and decided if i need to make the line bigger or smaller or where the line needed to be positioned.

I selected the layer which the red line was on and used the rubber tool seen on the left side, to rub out the parts of the red line I did not want to be seen. I wanted it to look like the red line was going through the people seen in the image. As if they were connected by the red line, the ‘bloodline’.

Update 1:

This is the first update for the photo book I have. In this update I had the front cover done and started adding images onto my book.

Update 2:

In this update, loads of things were changed. Photos was changed, structure of the book was changed. This is also where I started playing around with picture framing and positioning.

Paper editing:

For this image, I searched in the internet for a yellow and old paper and uploaded the image that I was satisfied with onto Photoshop. After the image was uploaded onto Photoshop, I copied the image that I wanted to edit, found in my documents, onto Photoshop and applied the image on top of the paper, creating a second layer in Photoshop.

pressing the layer where the image is in and using the objection tool on the left side, I selected a person from the image and cut them out. I moved the selected section from the image, away from the image to reveal the old, yellow paper under it.

I moved the selected section from the image, away from the image to reveal the old, yellow paper under it. This was all I did for this edit.

Update 3:

In this update, I started adding text to my images and playing around with the color of the text. This is also where I was trying to figure out where to put my text and how to smoothly add text in my book. I also started to add more images in my book and different frames to my images. I also started to figure out whether I wanted to have images that have a border of full bleed.

Update 4:

In this update, I started to be happy with the structure of the book and kept it constant throughout the book. I figured that I would start with a house of my grandparents and then and image of them in the next page. I also did this when I introduced images of my parents. After showing an image of my parents further into the book, I added an image of our house. This is where I started to find a more stern structure in my book and used different techniques like juxtaposition and match cut.

Full overview of final Photo Book:

Conclusion and evaluation:

In conclusion, I think that I did really well in terms of editing. I was clear and strong with my editing and even showed repetition within my editing to show a clear inspiration found because of my two artist I studied. The use of red lines and aged paper was a clear inspiration from Carole’s work and the nostalgic editing seen in some of my images implies a clear understanding and innovation towards Jo’s work.

My overall editing was simple but effective. I didn’t do a big amount of editing in my images but I did enough to enhance my images and show inspiration.

Artist references

LaToya Ruby Frazier

LaToya Ruby Frazier is a talented American photographer known for her style and documentary like work which often explores race, social justice, class, and the impact of industrial decline. Her most famous project is called The Notion of Family, produced between 2001–2014, where she documents the lives of her mother, grandmother, and even herself in Braddock, Pennsylvania, a town that was and still is devastated by the sudden collapse of the steel industry.

There is definitely obvious themes within her work and these themes include:

Key Themes:

  1. Family and Identity: Frazier’s work obviously centers on her family’s experiences and revealing inter generational trauma and resilience amidst economic decline. The project also highlights the idea of family as a cultural and historical construct.
  2. Social and Economic Displacement: Her portraits and images of Braddock, highlights the connection between the destructive industrial collapse and the social decrease of working-class Black communities.
  3. Health and Environmental Issues: Her famous project foregrounds environmental racism and healthcare imbalance, engrossing on how industrial pollution and inadequate healthcare have affected diminised populations.
  4. Portraiture and Intimacy: Frazier’s raw, and personal portraits question stereotypes of Black and working-class life, handing out a refinement representation of struggle and resilience.
  5. Cultural Context: Frazier provokes the erasure of working-class, Black, and female experiences especially in mainstream narratives. This offers a window into a community that is often ignored in discussions about industrialization.


The Notion of Family has been praised and is still being praised for its emotional depth and constant questioning of social constructs, earning Frazier an international recognition. Her work has been exhibited in major museums and is part of collections at MoMA and the Whitney. In 2015, she was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship for her contributions to art and social justice.

So in summary, The Notion of Family is an exploration of race, place, class, and blending personal narrative with broader social issues which offers a powerful, empathetic view of a undervalued community’s struggles.

Kürşat Bayhan

Kürşat Bayhan is an extraordinary Turkish artist and photographer who is known for blending themes like history, memory, identity, and contemporary socio-political issues. His interesting work combines conceptual and documentary photography, often exploring themes like migration, the urban environment, and the thick tension between tradition and modernity.

While he is not widely known especially internationally, Bayhans work is an important figure when in comes to contemporary Turkish photography. His projects challenge how personal experiences intersect with larger socio-political landscapes, often contributing to the discussions of visual culture and identity. He has exhibited his work both in Turkey and internationally, gaining recognition for his unique storytelling approach.

One project that is eye catching is the project callled “Away from Home” It is a photographic series which explores themes of feeling of displacement and migration. The work focuses on individuals who have been forced to leave their homes due to conflict or hardship which captures their emotional and psychological experiences of this difficult and unwilling exile. Through intimate portraits and documentary-style images, Bayhan humanizes the migrant experience, and reflects on feelings of mislaying, identity, and the search for belonging in foreign environments. The series also delves into the complex notion of “home,” highlighting the tension between the past and the present for displaced individuals. It also offers a personal and empathetic perspective on migration, beyond political or statistical stories.


Whitney Museum of American Art

Just a moment…


People: Kürşat Bayhan | The Floating Magazine

Kursat Bayhan – PhMuseum

review & reflect


In the first year of photography, I learned many important lessons and now in my second and last year of photography I can tell you that, I’m still learning different and important aspects of photography.

Can you even define photography?

Many may bluntly say that photography is taking pictures from a camera or a type of art however I would like to argue that photography is much more than that. From all the projects that I have done, I can strongly state that photography is a complex art. I learned that, not all photographs can be edited or taken the same way, they all have their own type of ‘impurities’. There is many angles we need to consider when producing a photograph, photography isn’t something that is easily learnt, you have to know how to use a camera, how to change settings in the camera in regard of the surroundings and most importantly, knowing when to capture the perfect moment, a decisive moment.

I have learnt that photography can be a form of preserving a memory as it encapsulates moments in time and I’ve realised this by studying many artist in the 20th century, artist like Ansel Adams, Claud Cahun, Cindy Sherman and so much more talented artist’s. This preservation of memories enabled me to understand the development and contribution towards photography. Photography has also enabled me to express my views, what inspires me and most importantly what I love most. Producing photographs has allowed me to discover my style and format. I’ve also learned that, photography documents the social, cultural, present and historical issues. It brings awareness. After studying about an artist called Jason Jackson who preached about BLM, it brought me insight about what racism actually was and it’s impact.

Photography act’s as a watchdog, a term created by David Hesmondhalgh which is where the media is checked to ensure it’s accurate and fair

Proof that photography is a watch dog is by evidence I have gathered after studying a variety of artist that explored different topics. This allowed me to be aware of certain topics I wasn’t as aware of. One topic that I explored in photography that effected me the most was identity. It brought me awareness of how identity can be shown in many different ways and everyone has different type’s of perspectives in terms of identity. Nan Goldin was an incredible artist that completely changed my perspective towards identity, she redefined photography by recording the promiscuous lives of her unique friends and herself.

Overall photography taught me numerous things. It taught me how to become an artist, it taught me things I had no clue about, it taught me that, different is better, and lastly it taught me to view world differently than others.


Masculinity and Femininity:

Masculinity is often referred to the behaviours, roles traditionally linked with being a male and qualities, which are many times emphasised traits like strength, independence and assertiveness. Femininity is seen as something that has roles and qualities which are typically linked to being female, highlighted as nurturing, sensitive and empathy. The concepts or terms are both culturally and socially constructed which basically means they can vary across different time periods and societies within a community.

Someone who I studied and challenged femininity and masculinity was called Claud Cahun. She was a French photographer and an artist that showed her surreal self and was famously know for her self-portraits. She also explored identity and gender fluidity. Her provoking imagery challenged many traditional norms which made her a key individual in feminist art.

I learnt that, she was very evolved in her time period and her advanced thinking made her different to everyone. This challenged people, it made people have a different perspective of what identity actually was and even opened peoples eyes to gender fluidity. The project that I produced in response to her work, taught to me think outside of the box. It challenged me in many ways. It challenged me with defining what masculinity and femininity actually was and especially how I was going to express it without being stereotypical. It allowed me to be creative and open within my work.




My images had clear inspiration by Cahun’s work. I really liked my final outcomes and how I was able to mimic her techniques and ideas into my own perspectives, however if I was to repeat this study and response, I would try to be more accurate in colouring and editing.


Romanticism was a literary and artistic movement from the late 18th to mid-19th century which sympathised emotion, nature and individualism. It evaluated imagination and often protested against traditional norms, the sublime and celebrating feelings.

An artist that I looked into that investigated romanticism was the talented artist called Robert Adams. He was known for his black and white landscapes of the American west where he compared the themes of human impact and nature. One of his project I looked into was ‘The New West’. He showed industrialised towns and often challenged these towns by capturing these towns with the background of the images being nature. He often put towns at the front and the nature in the back to comment on the effects that industrialisation was creating. The effect that he had when he put nature as the background was ground braking. Him doing this implied that we were forgetting about nature and worrying more about the human species and its ever growing population. His work brought me awareness and anger. It made me realise how much we have selfishly ruined and defrosted many fields to sustain our never-ending population. With this realisation, I was able to show this within my images. I was able to make urbanisation as something that was dark and bad in my images and make the nature/rural part of my image lighter, just like he did.




This topic was one of my favourite topics I got to explore. I really liked how awareness was brought to me via images and how eye opening it was. I enjoyed producing images that brought awareness and with these images, I could use them as a way to shout at the human population about the mass urbanisation but not literally. I did it through my images. However, if I was to repeat this again, using my final images, I would take images of towns instead a place that wasn’t as highly populated. This would’ve brought even more awareness about the mass population and the message Roberts wanted to imply.


Identity mentions the qualities, beliefs and characteristics that make a person or a group distinct So, identity is about how each individual person perceives themselves and how they are seen by others. Identity is often influenced by experiences and social contexts.

A artist that I really liked learning about her work was an artist called Clare Rae. She is an Australian photographer who is famously known for her intimate portraits which explore themes of femininity and identity. Her work combined fine art and documentary styles where she would use light and composition to create evocative narratives. Her work was unique. She expressed her frustration towards objection in women, directly or indirectly. Positioning herself in awkward poses, enabled her to show that and communicate things that she could say or didn’t want to say directly. I learned that a body is a very powerful message. Without using words or implication, you can use your body to show how you feel or perceive something and I find that powerful. I also learned that we can use our surroundings to produce and image and when you combine those two things, a body and a surrounding, you get a striking message.



Evaluation: I really liked my outcomes that were inspired by Rae’s work. I think that I powerfully showed my inspiration and awkwardness in my images, just like Clare. The poses in awkward settings, enabled me to be creative and inspiring. However, if I was to repeat this topic and response. I would do Self-portraits instead of taking images of others because Clare did that, to indicate an important and persuasive message.