These are the photos I have decided to place into the print folder.
I decided to first choose I Rembrandt lighting technique photo, this is due to a strong background and a strong pose whilst perfectly demonstrating Rembrandt lighting.
I decided to also choose these 4 photos to use in a sequences they all compliment each other. I tested how these would look in a row on photoshop with multiple backgrounds.
I picked these two photos to place next to each other with a black background, I think these two photos also compliment each other very well.
These two photos are my other Cindy Sherman inspired photos, these will be displayed on their own as A4 images.
Virtual Galleries.
I have also created virtual galleries for all 3 portraiture photoshoots of:
I decided to use Saul Leiter’s photography as inspiration for my photoshoot using mirrors. I researched his images and compiled a range of images that I felt I could attempt to replicate. Saul Leiter was seen as the greatest pioneer of colour photography due to his variety of photographs mainly focusing on the homeless, the elderly and their loneliness and immigrants. He lived from 1923-2013 and mostly took photos through specific reflections such as through windows, mirrors and doorways. His moments he captures have no intention or true meaning, instead he captures the more intimate and instant moments of the world which I truly admire. The quote
“I may be old- fashioned, but I believe there is such a thing as a search for beauty- a delight in the nice things in the world. And I don’t think one should have to apologize for it.”
I really like this quote because it portrays the simplicity and imagination the photographer has and I think this laid- back and chilled approach perfectly reflects onto his photography and work. Leiter was only more recently popular in the 1950s and 1960s as his extensive use of overexposure and deliberate soft focus gained an large audience. His work was then displayed in a huge exhibition in 1955 in the New York Museum of Modern named “The Family of Man” which includes the best in photography from around the world. His approach to colour in street photography and contribution to the development of colour photography becoming a true art form is greatly admired. I can see a direct comparison in the photography and work from Saul Leiter with the work from William Eggleston. This is due to the fact Eggleston “wanted to see things in colour because the world is in colour.” and his street photography has influenced fans to call him “The grandfather of colour street photography” another reason why these photographers are similar is that they have been known to explore colour, abstraction, and the poetics of everyday life throughout their street photography.
Image Analysis
What did I notice first?
I first noticed the woman being the subject and the focal point of the piece. I can notice her red lips and defined features capturing my attention.
What’s Happening in the Image?
There is a woman stood whilst looking to her left and she is outside. She seems to be fondly looking at something and be concentrated on her surroundings. She is also looking over her shoulder and she looks very feminine and stylish.
What people and objects are shown? How are they arranged?
There is some sort of wire which is placed closer to the camera than she is stood. This creates a perspective effect on the photo.
What is the physical setting? Is place important?Are there details that suggest the time period this image relates to?
The background is not specifically familiar however I can tell she is outside and the weather looks sunny due to the light effects shining on he face.
Photoshoot, Part 1.
I wanted these photos to relate to Saul Leiter’s work, whilst also having my own twist on it. For this photoshoot, I chose for my models to include a mirror to tie into his work. I had one model sit on the floor diagonally to my other model who is sitting higher up, on a chair. My model on the chair then shone the mirror to perfectly frame the person on the floors’ face, to capture their emotion whilst also showing themselves. This technique is perfect for a contrast of people and emotions in a creative way. To improve this,
I think the mirror could be bigger
Take our time more.
Create a wider array of emotions
Have both female and male models.
Photoshoot, Part 2.
For this part of the photoshoot, I had my models standing in front of the mirror and looking at herself. She is looking with a confused/ blank expression on her face at first, and then her head tilted to the side. This is to represent her judging herself and looking at her reflection and body negatively. This is tied into femininity due to the way women tend to feel and look at themselves. She is then shown sat down with her head in her hands, which signifies stress, despair and upset about her appearance.
I really like this photo as it expresses human emotions and how females may be seen as ‘overreacting’ or dramatizing human genuine emotions. This photo Is especially moving and meaningful because my model is crying actual tears whilst also holding a straight face. This may convey the idea of concealing your emotions in order to avoid judgement or attention for feeling upset or hurt especially in females. This may also relate to masculinity as It is seen as not masculine and unusual for a boy to show their emotions.
This photoshoot I decided to mainly focus on the topic of FEMININITY and teenage girlhood. This shoot consisted of female behaviours that may occur in female friendships and relationships.
Here is my mood board for this photoshoot.
Photoshoot, Best Images.
These photos perfectly demonstrate stereotypical female activities. This includes making yourself smell nice, for others and making yourself look nice, for others. This portrays a female pressure to look a certain way and act a certain way to ‘fit in’ with a specific category. This general beauty standard puts women under immense pressure to e.g. be of a slimmer build or wear a certain type of clothes. This may turn in to impacting the way women feel about their own body image and affect their self love and confidence. A specific beauty standard of a “thin” figure is put in the classification as someone with a slender shape, flat stomach, and small waist, while the “fit” body type represented toned and athletic female physiques.
I chose this topic to take inspiration from because of how the theme of ‘Femininity and Masculinity’ hugely highlights gender stereotypes due to clothing, body image, appearances, personality and social statuses. I have placed together an array of photos which show examples of photography with inclusive and diverse viewpoints on body image which ties into femininity particularly.
Mar Armengol.
Melody Melamed.
Carlota Guerrero.
Alba Yruela.
Jade Beall.
Kristina Varaksina.
Alba Duque.
Jade Beall.
Kristina Varaksina.
Alba Duque.
Sofía Suars.
Bruna Avellaneda.
Rosie Alice Foster.
This list is examples of female empowerment photographers who specialise in normalising femininity in human bodies. In particular, the work of the photographer Carlota Gurrero fascinated me. I think her photography surrounding femininity is extremely meaningful and has inspired my future work. She is a Spanish photographer and has collaborated with huge brands such as Nike and Dior. She is an artist I would most definitely take inspiration from in my Masculinity vs Femininity project.
Female Relationships
These photos I think perfectly show the human relationships of females through social media and technology. As it is such an influential use of every day life, it is said that females particularly become affected by communication online, such as bullying, gossiping and messaging. This is due to the fact the person is hiding behind a screen, instead of showing their real identity and expressing themselves through writing something instead of saying it in person and including tone, pace and facial expressions. My models are showing emotions of…
I then decided to make a diamond cameo to present these images as I feel It gives me the opportunity to display them easily but effectively. In inspiration of Henry Mullins, I have my photo on the left looking to the right. The photo on my left looking to the left. My image at the top looking down and my image at the bottom looking up. This is the perfect option to show contrasting emotions which all tie into together.
Here is all the photos I took during my photoshoot, whilst focusing on the theme of FEMININITY AND MASCULINITY through gender stereotypes. these stereotypes may consist of colours being assigned to each gender. This is usually seen as the basic analysis of blue being associated with boys and pink being associated with girls. However, some other colours such as black, navy and grey are also associated with boys and pastel colours or bright colours being associated with girls.
My camera settings were:
My Favourite Image.
This is my favourite image throughout the whole photoshoot. I really like the plain and blank expression on her face I think this is perfect in order to portray a confused or torn mindset. This photo may either contribute to the idea of either being confused when It comes to gender or being in a sense of conflict when it comes to expression, style and stereotypes in gender. I wanted my model to sit completely in the middle of the picture, which I think really adds to the picture, It helps her to be the focal point of the picture with the hazy colours of pinks and blues around her. I also decided to crop this photo to eliminate the shadows of people and lighting fixtures around her as I think this decreased the overall quality of the image.
Here is the original photo.
My Other Favourites.
For these two photos I decided to have my female model sit on the left and my male model to sit on the right. I then firstly abided by the colour stereotypes of girls being associated with pink and boys being associated with blue. After that contrasted these gender and colour stereotypes of males and females by swapping the coloured sheets in my lights to have the bright blue light shining on the girl and the bright pink light to be shining on the boy, this is to highlight the idea of ignoring colour stereotypes and, in fact, showing the importance of free gender expression within all sexualities and genders.
In this first photo I had my honeycomb light and my other light with a snout head. For this split lighting the light with the snout was on the right side of my models, this contained a coloured disk of the colour pink and my honeycomb light was on the left of my models with a coloured blue sheet over it. These lights were both either side of my camera at a specific a 45 degree angle, but the snout light was slightly closer to my models than the honeycomb light, this is due to the light less powerful and bright than the other, having this light slightly closer than the other helped me to achieve a balanced amount of coloured light on either side.
In this part of the photoshoot, I had my male model expressing traditional male stereotypes by holding his fists up to demonstrate anger, toughness and power. However, I chose to shine a pink light on my model whilst he is holding this pose in order to represent femininity shining through a façade of strength and masculinity. Initially I did not like the shadows behind the picture, however after contemplating the true meaning of the photo I like how the shadows help to add to the idea of a façade being put up and having fists up pointing right, left and forwards. If I wanted to in the future, avoid shadows, I would have my model stand closer to the camera and further away from the white background, causing a shadow.
In this part of the photoshoot, I then had my female model expressing traditional male stereotypes by folding her arms and having a fixed blank expression on her face, I also chose to shine a blue light on my model whilst she is holding this pose in order to represent masculinity through a female to show male qualities in a female through a façade of strength and solidity.
These final photos consist of my models demonstrate the idea of boys embracing femininity and girls embracing masculinity. These photos also demonstrate traditional gender stereotypes like my female model doing a traditional female pose whilst being surrounded by stereotypical female colours like reds, whites and pinks.
Culture wars are conflict’s between multiple social groups in the world. These groups have different ideas to do with culture and their beliefs. This usually occurs in western countries and how their controversial democratic systems cause issues and conflicts when it comes to important subjects such as multiculturalism, abortion and sexuality.
Culture Wars Throughout History
Throughout history, many different culture wars and movements have taken place, for example, throughout the 1920’s, many culture wars took place. These culture wars consisted of the topics around immigration, race, alcohol, evolution, gender politics, and sexual morality.
During the 1920s, cultural wars and conflicts caused violent and dangerous groups such as the the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). This racist organisation of strong-minded people would focus on deadly and demoralized acts of violence in order to protest and rid the world of African Americans, however their their hatred then extended to immigrants, Catholics, Jews, liberals, and progressives. This group of individuals started in the south after the Civil War. This group influenced many while, lower-class Americans and attempted to respond to Catholics and immigrants by creating acts such as anti-Semitism and anti-Catholicism. This relates to the ideas of Culture Wars because this group worked to enforce white supremacy as the political and social order of the South. This caused many Catholics, African Americans etc, to lose their lives or their rights. They did this by creating political campaigns, marching in parades with Klan floats, civic campaigns to support temperance, public education, and child welfare, and had many social women’s and youth Klan auxiliary groups.
Acts of Protest
Culture wars and identity politics can be expressed through different acts of protest such as…
Tribalism and social bonding help to keep individuals committed to the group, even when personal relations may fray.
Tribalism can have very negative consequences when it is used to exclude individuals or groups or to take away their rights, status, and/or independence.
Advantages of Tribalism:
Raising children communally
Cooking meals communal
Sharing other chores with other members
Advantages of Tribalism:
Raising children communally
Cooking meals communal
Sharing other chores with other members
Ethnic, religious and racial identity politics dominated American politics in the 19th century, during the Second Party System
Identity Politics in Jersey
Liberate Jersey
Liberate is the Channel Islands’ equality and diversity charity. they have multiple branches in Jersey and Guernsey, serving islanders in both Bailiwicks. The main factors they attempt to focus on are:
– providing safe and inclusive spaces for people to meet across the Channel Islands. – providing mental health and wellbeing support – educating and informing residents, organisations and governments of the Channel Islands on a range of minority issues. – supporting and/or staging artistic and cultural events and engaging in historical research that tell the stories of Minorities in the Channel Islands. – campaigning to reform policies and laws to ensure that Minorities can enjoy the same freedoms and rights as everyone else across the Channel Islands.
BLM Jersey formed as a result of the Black Lives Matter protests that occurred across the world and in Jersey on 6 June 2020. The protest in People’s Park saw over a thousand people of all colours stand in solidarity to say that black lives matter here, too. There are a number of charities supporting our migrant workforce that align closely with Liberate Jersey and make supporting this community a partnership enterprise.
The Diversity Network – Jersey (TDN) is a movement for cultural change in the workplace and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion consultancy with high aspirations and a not-for-profit ethos. As well as bringing something new and different to business networking in Jersey, we see working with local employers to promote and enable diversity and innovative working practices as core to our purpose.
For this photoshoot, I decided to photograph my both, male and female friends outside. I wanted them girls to pose in a way that they felt was comfortable to them. Above are all of the photos I took from this photoshoot. I decided to pick a day when the weather was snowing as it gave me the perfect opportunity to photograph girls and boys being themselves and show how their personalities and actions differ to express femininity and masculinity in adolescence.
My Favourite Photos
These photos are my favourite photos I took of the girls. Whilst asking them to pose how they could express their own personalities. My models decided to crouch, stand, smile and sit how they felt comfortable. This helped to convey the idea of wanting to feel confident in a photo whilst being surrounded by e.g. flowers. I edited these photos in Adobe Lightroom and increased mostly the:
This was due to the bright and white colour of the snow reflecting on the camera. Whilst adjusting my camera settings I also had to focus on increasing the aperture. I increased my aperture to f/8 and the ISO to 200. This isbecause my camera’s light meter will see the bright snow as too much light which will cause it to underexpose my photos and and leave the snow looking a dull grey colour.
These photos are my favourite photos I took of the boys. I also asked them to pose how they could express their own personalities. However, they decided to pose whilst engaging with each other and having fun, which contrasts from the girls and how standing and smiling for the picture was more important that continuing what they are doing and enjoying their activities whilst being photographed. This method of photographing both girls and boys and seeing how they react, perfectly highlighted the theory of both gender’s usual qualities. For example, women tend to score higher than men on personality traits. These traits consist of agreeableness, openness to experience, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and extroversion. Women also mostly have a higher amount of traits of anxiety and sympathy, while men tend to be more assertive and risk-taking. This was shown through how they adapted to being photographed doing what they want to do.
In this photo, I asked a male and a female to pose how they felt comfortable with. The female model chose to smile, with a soft expression. This immediately creates a sociable, delightful impression of happiness, joy and content, which is usually the expression a teenage female will choose when they are being photographed. This is due to the fact smiling is seen as a way to capture a happy memory and socially acceptable behaviour. Women usually want to be seen as having a good time and possibly even putting on a facade that they are enjoying themselves to e.g. keep up a social status as fun and sociable.
The male model chose to not smile and have a more neutral or serious expression. This immediately creates an impression of masculinity and that serious face communicates strength and independence. It is said that many men throughout the world do not want to show any elements of vulnerability or joy that others can easily read meanings to, so a genuine smile is rare in a photo of adolescent boys, especially in solo photographs, due to social hierarchy of men on social media.
This photo would be my favourite image out of all, due to the fact of the contrast between the immediate reactions between males and females when being photographed, however the image is slightly blurry and therefore brings down the quality of the photo, to improve this, next time I will increase my shutter speed, this will help me to get a sharper images, without including any motion blur. I decided to attempt to remove the blur of the photo as much as I can in Adobe Lightroom however I did not succeed with a high quality image.
‘Claude Cahun’ or originally ‘Lucy Renee Mathilde Schwob’ was a photographer, however she was also a French surrealist, a sculptor and a writer. The reason she decided to change her name is that the name ‘Claude’ can be used by either a woman or a man, which makes it gender-neutral and therefore inclusive to all. She died in 1954 however she was previously arrested and sentenced to death in 1944 along with her partner due to Jersey becoming liberated by the Germans in 1945. Claude was known to have suffered from anorexia and suicidal thoughts and a similar form of debilitating depression as her mother. Claude Cahun then met her lifelong partner Suzanne Malherbe, however, Cahun’s father ended up marrying Suzanne’s mother, which made the women step-sisters. However, this did not top them both and they moved to Paris in 1919. Due to the fact same-sex couples and gender neutrality was uncommon and frowned upon, Claude Cahun and Suzanne Malherbe joined with a small group of members of the avant-garde in Paris, this consisted of people who were also experimenting with gender in this period.
Cahun and Gender, Sexuality and Power
Cahun’s work is now seen in the modern day as truly inspirational due to her diverse lifestyle and slightly unusual personal life. These factors convey a figure of interest and fascination for many later artists. s. The gender-shifting self-presentation, and non-heterosexual relationship make Cahun important to homosexual activists and feminism lovers alike.
For example, one person who has truly been honored and fascinated by Claude Cahuns work is Gillian Wearing. Wearing and Claude Cahun were born many years apart and showed no relation or similar lifestyle. However the topic of photography, to explore themes around identity and gender through masquerade and performance links these two people together.
Gillian Wearing has done many projects in tribute to Claud, however the most popular and by far my favourite is her work on Me as Cahun Holding a Mask of My Face in 2012.
In this photographic self-portrait, Gillian recreates Cahun’s self-portrait from the I Am In Training Don’t Kiss Me series which Claude made in 1927. She did this by photographing her creation a mask that looks like Claude Cahun’s face in the series and then holding another mask to her right which is a replica of her own face.
Here Gillian Wearings interpretation is shown above, and Claude Cahun’s original is displayed below.
I particularly like this modern day interpretation as it pays attention to a talented human who thrived during difficult and dangerous times where expressing your true self and sharing your inner passions was seen as ‘different’ and ‘unusual’. Gillian’s recognition of Claude’s talent relights something of a poster girl for feminist art critics, who now praise Claude Cahun for blurring of gender and identity in such treacherous times.
“We’re only just catching up to her”
I really empathise and admire this quote from Gillian Wearing which explains how Claude Cahun was so ahead of her time. This is due to the fact so many contemporary artists are so influenced by her work. Claude has a dedicated following among artists and art historians when it comes to feminism and gender stereotypes.
Cindy Sherman
Cindy Sherman is an independent photographer who took photographs in the 70’s. Something I find particularly admiring, is how she she took her camera and pointed it at HERSELF, instead of photographing someone else. I find this very unique and actually brings more meaning and creativity to the photos she created. This gesture then became her signature thing and showed her strong views on gender and the construction of identity through key times when opinions and personalities where particularly changing in history. She also mad many different character that she would pretend to being her photos and experiment with makeup, hairstyles and costume to demonstrate these characters.
“None of the characters are me. They’re everything but me”.
I like this quote because It explains how she created over 70 of these images of herself, but not HERSELF, as she was acting and posing as other character using only her body but not her true inner self.
Cindy Sherman created around 70 Untitled Film Stills which consist of black and white images made between 1977 and 1980. I truly think Cindy Sherman’s work conveys a message of mystery and struggle with being a women. Her images inspire me to attempt to take photos like this in my next photoshoot.
Image Analysis
What did I notice first?
I noticed at first the negative expression on her face, she almost looks worried or scared about where she is or who she is with. This creates an element of mystery in the photograph as the person viewing it wants to know why she looks so troubled and scared about where she is.
What’s Happening in the Image?
The woman seems to be looking over her left shoulder towards behind where she is standing. She is also holding her stomach which may mean she is either shocked or worried about something that has just happened. She may also be holding her stomach with her right hand and arm wrapped around it. This may be to create a maternal approach which implies a sense of security and protection over something.
What people and objects are shown? How are they arranged?
In the image, there is a woman standing with an apron on and she is standing in front of a sink where there lies a bottle of dish soap and what seems to be a spice rack. I can also see a bottle of dish soap, a salt container and a pan or stovetop – like pot where the handle is facing towards her. All these things apply that she was possibly mid- washing up when she was disturbed by a possibly domestic figure.
What is the physical setting? Is place important?Are there details that suggest the time period this image relates to?
I think the place Is very important because It could possibly portray a ‘woman’s place’ in society at the time. Stood in the kitchen washing dishes is the idealistic place for a wife to be. This shows that the misogynistic and stereotypical traits of patriarchal views are shown throughout this photo. The photo was also taken in 1977, during this time women around the world were not given the chance to decide life for their own, this is shown through the clear differences between gender roes between women and men. Women in this period were viewed as inferior, weak, and dependant. They were expected to be responsible for the family and maintenance of the house.
What other details can you see?
I also think that the fact this photo is nameless also shows a factor of which stereotype this photo fits into. I think these photos are made to show movie industry lending a voyeuristic quality to this glimpse into the private life of a women in a potentially dangerous household, left alone with multiple responsibilities. The photo is names ‘Untitled Film Still’ This perfectly relates to my idea of the view of women in the society at this time and how Cindy Sherman was attempting to portray this. The fact the photo is nameless and therefore is ‘Untitled‘ shows the fact that women were, in fact, nameless and were seen as much less valued than men.
Cindy Sherman and Claude Cahun
While many male Surrealists saw women as objects and uses of pleasure and desire. Claude Cahun opposed these views and explored her identity instead of defining it. Her photos challenged the idea of gender and women as objects of male desire. This relates to Cindy Sherman because she also played a role in helping us question visual culture. She portrayed a multitude of characters which created provocative views on photography during this time period.
Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of women or girls. “she alternated between embracing her femininity and concealing it”.
maskjʊˈlɪnɪti/ noun
Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men or boys.”handsome, muscled, and driven, he’s a prime example of masculinity”.
Binary Opposition
Examples of binary opposites could be –
Good and bad
Positive and negative
Up and down
Black and white
FEMININITY AND MASCULINITY are seen as ‘Binary Opposites, this is because of the theory that “Man” and “woman” have been opposed as binary oppositional terms since patriarchal society was formed.
Patriarchy relates to denoting a system of society or government controlled by men. Women make up less than a quarter of all professional photographers, this emphasises the true message of femininity and masculinity in photography especially.
Identity can be influenced by multiple factors such as:
Self- expression
Life experiences
However, identity can be PARTICULARLY influenced by the factor of ‘place’. This ties into a feeling that you belong to a particular place. This represents a place in which a person would feel comfortable and ‘at home’, an example of this could be literally at home, this is because a person is seen as having the ability of symbolizing certain qualities of that place.
Gender Identity
Gender identity is known as ‘deeply-held inner feelings’ of whether you’re female or male, both, or neither.
A few different gender identities may consist of…
Gender neutral
Cultural Identity
Cultural identities are the different and more distinct identities of people or groups in cultural or subcultural categories and social groups.
A few different cultural identities may consist of…
Social class
Social Identity
Social identity aims to specify and predict the circumstances under which individuals think of themselves as individuals or as group members. The theory also considers consequences of personal and social identities for individuals.
A few different social identities may consist of…
Sex Socioeconomic status
Sexual orientation
Religion/religious beliefs
National origin
Geographical Identity
An individual or group’s sense of attachment to the country, region, city, or village in which they live.
The key characteristics with which a particular country, region, city, or village is associated.
Political Identity
Political identity is a form of social identity marking membership of certain groups that share a common struggle for a certain form of power, this can include identification with multiple political parties.
A few different political identities may consist of…
Inter-ethnic relations
Abstract ideological themes
Loss of Identity
A person without a sense of identity can instead feel a disconnect from who they have been or have no sense as to who they will become next.
A few different examples of a loss of identity may consist of…
Having uncertainty about self image
Gender identity
Long-term goals
Characteristics that society instinctively attributes to groups of people to classify them.
A few different examples of stereotypes may consist of…
Skin colour
An unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc.
Whilst taking my headshots I attempted to also mirror and interpret some of Henry Mullins’ work with angles and positioning when it comes to headshots. Inspiration from Henry Mullins’ models poses helped me to work on my techniques and learn more about how to make my photography look more professional.
I really admire the poses that Henry Mullins’ models would use, such as:
For this photoshoot I took photos of two models using a honeycomb head and a snout head on the lights. I had one person standing next to the lights and holding the coloured gels. I wanted this person to be interchanging with multiple colours such as pink, purple, red, blue, yellow, white and green.
I had one person standing next to my model and holding different shades of reflectors such as silver, gold and bronze. This was to help have the light shine onto my subjects eyes more so that there isn’t shade or shadows reflecting onto my models face. They also moved the honeycomb head to different angles to capture different angles from the light.
I had one person then sitting or standing whilst posing naturally in front of the camera for me to photograph. I told them to look at all different angles for my diamond cameos (inspired by Henry Mullins) I also asked her to do some more natural poses and for her to also do some poses either looking directly at the camera or looking in different directions and using her hands to add extra effect to her posing.
I particularly like these photos because they show a contrast of emotions through two people. The covering of the mouth shows a tack of identity to one of the people. And I also asked my models to have different expressions to each other such as e.g. sad and happy and vies versa.
I created these images in Adobe photoshop, I think they create a sense of ‘false identity’ and mystery as they could possibly show the persons real ‘self’ or ‘story’. I really like this double exposure effect for my photos and I think it helps improve their meaning behind it.
I first opened two photos in two different tabs in Photoshop.
I then clicked and dragged my second photo onto my first photo.
I then double clicked on the layer I dragged and deselected R in the channel section of the options menu for the first creation I made and then for my second creation clicked R and B.
I then repositioned my photo to fit to my preference.
I then spent some time ‘experimenting’ with my editing and colours by combining multiple photos in a collage-like formation, I then worked on my layers and added different settings and opacities on each photo to create this final product of a combination of 4 headshots I created. I like this because it combines a mixture of lots of colours like blue, red, purple, green and black and white.