All posts by Chanelle



pictures layout ideas (zine)

These were the photos that i thought would create a good story line and show the real life of working around the sea, i collected these photos from the 3 photoshoots i had done, although the maritime photoshoot didn’t help me with this zine it did help me collect ideas for this zine. I did the basic editing on these photos adjusting the levels and curves and maybe making each photo slightly brighter to grab the attention of the naked eye. The idea for the front cover and back cover was to have a simple photo so i could add a good title however the front cover did take up the whole page and i had to add the title at the bottom which did add a cool effect as i added a while outline on the letters. I also added the title on the back cover along with my name to help identify its my work, i really like the back cover as its still related to the topic but is more subtle.

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This was the final outcome for my zine, i really liked how it turned out as at the beginning i didn’t have a vision in mind, When collecting my photos together i tried to put the colours that matched the best together. Also when considering putting certain pictures together i tried to mix what side each photo look best on, which did have an impact. As my photoshoots didn’t go too well i didn’t have many pictures that i liked and wanted to use therefore made some of the pictures take over the whole page. This made these pictures show a great importance. I also tried to get a picture of the surroundings and then next to it a picture of a person doing their job to show what surroundings each person could be in, although this could not be the case for every page for example the last page with the man opening his truck wouldn’t be near some stairs leading the the sea but i thought that the colours and concept of these photos look good together.


overall the St Helier topic was quite off putting at the beginning as i didn’t have much interest in it, though after the photoshoot i started to use my imagination to create ideas of what to take pictures, also when creating my zine i started to develop certain story lines, although this topic still hasn’t grown on me it still is interesting to see what people who work around the see do, when doing my first photoshoot i just took pictures of what looked interesting and didn’t have a specific idea or reason for taking what i took. For my second photoshoot, i started observing more on what was around me and what could be a good representation of the sea.I started having more ideas of what the St Helier harbour was and how it had changed throughout the years when given photos and information about when and why it was created . Throughout my research i found it quite difficult to get the right information to look at and this made the topic even more repetitive and dull. I did managed to find some details about the harbour but not much which was quite irritating and made it hard for me when it came yo the photoshoots and i didn’t have anything specific to look for. I would say the best photoshoot I had done would have been the maritime museum as it has many funky items inside that explained a lot and helped with my research. There were many examples of what a boat sounded like and what each sound represented and meant, there were interactive activities which helped all of us to engage with the topic and the idea of why we are researching all these things about the harbour. I did like making the zine for this project as I did manage to capture some good pictures to use, I had captures a good set of images that worked well with each other, wether it was the colours or the representation of the images. Although i didn’t quite enjoy this topic it was still a good topic to explore and gain some knowledge on.

harbour 2

Here I’ve selected more photos from my harbour photoshoot however I created a whole new page just for the people I’ve captured. All of the people I have captured each have a story of what they are doing in the moment and why, each person has a story, a reason to why they are doing the thigs they want to do an say. I really like the way each photo came out as everyone seems to be occupied, either by themselves or someone else interacting with them.

I’ve turned these photos into black and white as I believe it gives a more modern look, it almost helps to give the whole focus on the persons facial features, their pose and what they are holding. The photo on the right is a full view image of the man standing holding a roar , this tells us that the man in the image does rowing, his surroundings also suggests that he does rowing with all the roars in the background.

This photoshoot was quite a good experience to see how the life at sea is like. Every single person in this photoshoot seem to be busy at work, ether working on the boats or working with the sea life such as fish and lobsters. I chose to make a separate blog post just for people to show the difference of the meanings of each person in each photo.

Overall i really did enjoy this photoshoot as it helped me look at all the different jobs surrounded by the ocean, although this topic isn’t one i would voluntarily choose it does still an interesting aspects to it, for example I did enjoy walking around and seeing occupied doing their daily job that is so different to what we do as students in school, it was also really nice to see how things have changed throughout the years such as new inventions for boats and how they can go faster and collect more fish at a time, although there are still boats that collect fish as it till is good to see fishermen doing their jobs or even just their hobbies.

Maritime Photoshoot

This would be one of the best photos I took at the museum as not all the photos I took looked good enough to present, I turned this photo into black and white as it stopped the colours from distracting the view of all the patterns and texture. I took this photo from a slightly lower angle than a straight view point to show that all the item are above me almost as if they are looking down on me which could help represent their importance. This photo hold a lot of importance s it has historical items in one place. The reason I chose this photo being my best is because in some of my photos the angles of the photos don’t match the photo and this photo has the most important object in the centre with all historical images in the background. I do quite like the mages of the rocks with an image underneath as they would look good together to create a row of photos with meaning. They have framed a specific rock , maybe due o the fact that it is going extinct or the rocks have a great significance to jerseys history. Even thought the image is quite busy it still shows the purpose of each item being placed in that specific place, possibly each photograph links in with the submarine suit. The wall in the background is quite textured but also helps to make everything else stand out and be its own independent photo.

Going to the maritime museum helped open my eyes and get a perspective of jerseys past, there were many interesting interactive item in the museum which made it fun and entertaining to explore. There were many picture of important people with little descriptions to help identify and understand how and why they were important to jerseys history. the museum also had many boat models that we could look at and identify the main reasons they were used and what they looked like. I really enjoying exploring the museum and understanding how each of these items have a historical meaning and representation. This photoshoot helped me learn songs and stories of the sea, and investigate the island’s myths and legends. I would say that this was a really good experience even though not all of my photos are usable but they do show some historical and important pieces that represent an important factor to the museum.

links I used to help me write about the maritime museum:

St Helier Harbour

Here these images are very bright and colourful compared to the rest, the sky is a shade of green that almost gives off a disastrous look almost as if a storm is coming. I made the sky looks more colourful so that the image itself would stand out. However I highlighted the area I wanted to make bright and simply copied the layer, I then proceeded to brighten the colour and made it look more green, I felt as though the green makes the photo looks really ready to explore The thought that our world is slowly getting destroyed with all the carbon being released and the plastic being thrown around creates this unpleasant image, the world is dying and no much is being done to save it.

All of the photos that I selected in big to present are the best images I took. Through out all the photos I took these were best one I could analyse and use in my work as they had bod colours and all represent a story whereas some of my other photos don’t have the right lighting or angle to use or don’t have the right story to tell. Most of my photos are pictures of boats but not really the big luxurious boats more like small boat that u would stay close to the haw with which tells us a lot, possibly the p[person who owns the boats like to do fishing close to the island or likes to have a small paddle around the island in their bot however it doesn’t necessarily tell us if they don’t have the money to buy as its not a factor we can judge and asses. The colour of each boat can tell us a story as it can show each personally identity.

Doing this photoshoot was quite successful as I got many photos of different places surrounding the harbour. For many of these photos I had zoomed in with the camera to get a specific area of the surroundings, Like with the pictures of the boats I had make sure that nothing else is in the background and only the boats were in focus. For many of these photos I had used Photoshop to add Ai effects and get rid of any distracting directs effecting the image. Firstly in the image with the two boats I asked AI to remove anything I the sea to make it look like there are only boats floating and nothing else around. To get the basic editing I levelled all the colours and made some of my photos in black and white as helped to stop the colours from distracting the main idea of the photo. I believe this photoshoot went really well as I was able to interact with some people along the way and understand why they do what they do for a living how it is impact in their lives. For example, I was able to see people who took care of all the lobsters and fish. I was also able to see all the boats that were left on the side. These boats were all different colours and can each represent different personalities and how people look like and the way they are portrayed.

Overall, I believe this photoshoot went well and I managed to capture quite a good bunch of photographs that portray the importance of the st Helier harbour and how its history ha impacted it. Most of the pictures I took of boats are quite small and show how in the past they didn’t really have really high tech boats and almost shows us ow people used to travel across the seas, and of Couse they have other boats with high tech and more protection but it does help us view the evolution of the boats and how each boat can help a person achieve different things.

St Helier Harbour

St Helier harbour hasn’t changed massively between the years, although there are some clear changes, the area has stayed homogeneous. Saint Helier Harbour is named after Helier (or Helerius), a 6th-century ascetic hermit from Belgium.

This picture, by a Mrs Slater, one of the earliest female photographers whose work in Jersey survives, was taken in 1860, or soon after, and shows the La Folie area of the original harbour, with the French Harbour in the foreground and the long, thin, North Quay lined with sailing vessels in the background.

This painting by John Shepherd dates to the 1870s or early 80s and shows clearly how close the top of the Old Harbour came to the original weighbridge, which was in front of the Royal Yacht Hotel

This picture was taken in about 1886-7 and shows the work under way on some initial widening of the North Quay behind the weighbridge. A new cargo shed has been constructed.

A rare photograph showing the Old Harbour infill from the other side, with the row of Commercial Buildings properties showing very few similarities to what survives in the 21st century

An aerial view of the harbour at high tide in 1934

1950, and nothing has changed


Picture stories: research and analysis

Picture stories are meant to show a story through pictures and not actually the words therefore the writing shouldn’t really be a source to rely on, the naked eye should be attracted to the picture, figure out which photo is the main source of information.

here are some samplers of picture stories, these examples looks very differed from one another as they all have different stories behind them, they all represent a different meaning. Each one has a different colour that can symbolise different things such as emotions, a countries flag colours and what colour makes there chosen photos to stand out. I really like the black and white photos with a brown and yellow background, it has a strong powerful meaning and really helps to engage the viewers eyes onto those photos. I don’t really like the stories that have many different colours and shapes in the background as it distracts the viewers attention away from the photos, it make the photo look less important. However some could view it as the colours attract the naked eye towards the photos, makes them look noticeable especially if they are in black and white as there isn’t any other colours to direct the eye towards.

st Malo photoshoot

These photos were taken in st Malo, and the aim of this photoshoot was to get a perspective of what French people look like on a busy day, what they get up too, it also shows us how differently they are dressed. Most of the time you wouldn’t see anyone in Jersey or England wearing this type of style as it is quite European. However, it also gives us an insight of what st Malo looks like in general and how different it can look to where we live and what we see on a regular day. There were flags all around the towns which is something we could see in jersey, but they are places differently and represent different things, but in jersey we do have some string lights around the avenue which lights around the places. 

The aim of these photos are very different as some of them have many people scattered around the photo and some tend to have less or no people, I really like have some of these photos turned out, for some of the photos I used different angles to see if I could get a difference in perspective an how different the photo would look to the rest, we have a hip angle which would make the photo look lower, I also tried to put my camera further u to try and get a birds eye view perspective which didn’t turn out too well as I couldn’t really see what I was taking but it was fun to try and experiment with and see what different views people tend to see on a daily whether they were higher up looking out a window and just walking through the town. 

These photos were taken in France, st Malo. The aim of this photoshoot was to take candid photos of strangers roaming the streets, it was to captivate what st Malo rally looked like without making it look staged. These pictures are very different to what we would see in our everyday life in Jersey, as we don’t have access to everything. Here we were changing the shutter speed lower and higher when cars and people were walking and some photos turned out better than others, for this photoshoot we tried to get a close up of people to see what they were doing, some of these photos were taken of only buildings with no people in the surroundings. Both those photos give a very different effect and create a sense of humanity, how the world is seen. I turned some of my photos into black and white to show that I have included some of Henri Cartier-Bresson’s ideas and his decisive moment. Henri has a theory of the decisive moment which meant that every picture he took had to be perfectly positioned and timed. Henri would always search for the perfect people to take a picture of, as they would most likely be walking or moving slightly making it challenging, therefore Henri would have to change the shutter speed to capture the perfect photograph. All of these photos are candid and not staged which helps to get a perspective of the real world around us, although these photos don’t define the whole world as there is war around us but there are still peaceful places which need to be kept and preserved

This photo shows the decisive moment as we are capturing a picture that isn’t staged and have the right shutter speed added. Although a lady is walking into the frame making the people less visible due to the umbrella, I really like the way the man is still in focus of the photo and isn’t looking at the camera but still looking in the same direction of me, this gives me a perspective of what the person may be looking at. I really like the way the lady is walking into the photo almost leading us to look at the man, the dimensions in this photo. 

I feel the photo looks good in black and white as lighting works well. There aren’t many colours to distract you from the view and it helps to see the details more clearly. The black and white effect makes the photo look nostalgic and adds a saddened look to it almost as if something was going on, but only the people in the photo would realize. This makes the photograph look mysterious. I also really like how the plastic looks in the photo, it gives off a vibe as if it was rain falling, it would make sense if it was rain as the lady in the picture is holding an umbrella. It also looks like the lady is covering the man with her umbrella due to the dimensions of the photograph. The umbrella makes a good prop in the photo as it takes over a big amount of the photo without blocking anyone’s face. The older man’s face is slightly covered by the bottom of the umbrella, but it is still clear to identify who the person is and what he looks like. 

Henri Cartier-Bresson and the ‘decisive moment’

 “The legacy of exploration is not measured in material possessions but in the impact we leave on the world,”

Henri Cartier was a famous humanist photographer who was known for taking candid photographs. His type is photography is street photography and he has a theory known as ‘decisive moment’, when its the right time to take the photo. Henri liked to describe this as hunting without killing the thrill of waiting for the next person to walk by to capture into the photograph. Henri’s photography tends to link humanity together while other photographers tend to look for the horror in the world to capture. Its also described as an extension of the eye, Henri tends to look deeper into the photo and almost expresses a story in the photograph. He’s creating these images that create meaning without any words. another thing he added to his photography was the black and white effect as Henri believed that colour was a threat and was inferior and aesthetically limiting. This helped to add a dramatic effect to the photo. The decisive moment is meant of capture the true beauty of the moment, whole meaning of candid was to take a picture without posing, the opposite of a formal photograph where the person sits still and posses for their photo, the photo taken by Henri Cartier-Bresson were mainly picture of people walking by, these people had n idea that they would be getting photographed, that’s the beauty of it, people cant pose or try to look their best as the photo is taken in the moment, that’s why Henri Cartier-Bresson had to be very decisive of when to capture the specific photo as no one was prepared for it.

these photos above are all examples of the ‘decisive moment’, they are all pictures of people walking or standing around which shows that these people had no clue they were being photographed and these images are the best as no one can pull a face and do any signs as we would do now, these are all natural photos, The reason this is called the decisive moment is because Henri Cartier-Bresson always had to be in the right place to be able to take these photos, he had to be discrete so that no one would notice that he was taking images of people, most people when they see they are being photographed they would smile or do a pose where as these images above show that they aren’t aware of the photo, one reason is that none of them are actually looking towards the camera. The whole idea of the decisive moment is to capture a precise moment hat creates a story without knowing anything about the photograph, its the way everything is paced around and layered. All these photos were taken without the person knowing making the photo more sentimental and meaningful, there aren’t any people posing and changing the whole point and perspective of the photo. All these photos were transformed into black and white images which helps to capture the events on the street, allowing him to shape the way that major events and everyday life were captured and photographed. Henry stated that the aim of the decisive moment is to capture something that may never happen again is frozen in the frame.

This photo shows a good example of decisive moment as it displays a moment that will most likely not happen again. These kids will supposedly grow up and not remember this moment and move in, this captures this moment and keeps its secure. This photo shows someone’s childhood and nostalgia, the black and white effects the photo by making it seem old and untouched, the colour would distract the viewer and change the whole perspective. This photo shows how precise and accurate the timing was to capture the right image, for example the way the persons foot hits the ground and makes the water splash everywhere, this shows a representation of the wave they are about to hit, they seem to be exited and happy to go into the sea, the way they are swaying their hands in the air, the image makes me feel as though they’re screaming and cheering to go swimming. The viewpoint is straight on to the children, its almost showing the same view point as the children based on the height, the camera is slightly taller than the children but still shows a similar perspective that the children may be seeing. The waves in the picture shows a different type of texture, it almost gives of a rough texture compared to the sand being soft, this could be a representation, the and is soft which is what they seem to be standing on whereas the sea is rough and cold, that’s where they are running to, this could portray the ide that the sea is there future and it doesn’t seem to be too bright, they are going to have a difficult future compared to their childhood.

Maroesjka Lavigne

Here I’m planning to go round places where its not very busy and everything is very subtle, however my photoshoot will look very different as it wouldn’t be snowing when I take these photos, it will most likely be sunny or raining, I would like to find a single house planted in the middle of no where as it adds such mystery to the house and why it may be there. I also chose a photograph that seems to have an effect to it which makes it look very unusual, I could round to a neighbourhood and take pictures of the houses scattered around and simply add an effect to it after, however if I wanted to make it look different I could go when the sun is setting or rising to make the effect look different and have different levelling of the colours.

Mariska Lavigne has a photoshoot called lost lands where she takes photos of different buildings that may give off a lost sensation. There are many buildings that are in the middle of nothing, and unusual leaves that just look out of this world, Lavigne created images of anything that looked “different” and didn’t fit to the normal standard of todays world which shows us that everyone, everything is different.

She had been Travelling through Iceland for four months, a country she was unfamiliar with: The light was bright, colours were vivid, and by the end of my trip the sun kept on shining all night long. Snow still held the country in its veil, creating a big white void. she states that this has a way of cleaning up the landscape, the scenery gets more graphic. she always wondering how this scene would look like in wintertime to see how different the sky and the environment would look, she had decided to go back for another month in January. The country turns blue at dusk in wintertime. All colours fade. Cities look like scale models seeking shelter from the weather in the shadow of the mountains. It was her intention to express the dazzling moment, she wanted to get different point of views of the different season around them and how differently the world may look if the sun is out or if the sky if full of gloomy clouds.

Lavignes photos look very unusual, and scary, they give a weird vibe to the world, almost as if something was wrong, everyone in that photo knows that something is gong on but you as the viewer have to try and piece the puzzle and figure out what is wrong. The colours in the photo look really dull and gloomy and give the impression that possibly something is in the water, creeping up to the people in the surroundings. There aren’t many bright colours in the photo either which changes the mood completely, if there were bright colours then the photo would look almost as if it was a normal sunny day but the foggy effect makes the photo look peculiar and odd fitting.

Maroesjka Lavigne (b.1989, Belgium) gained her Masters in Photography at Ghent University in the summer of 2012. Her work has been shown internationally at the Foam Talent exhibition in Amsterdam, The Robert Mann Gallery in New York, Galerie Hug in Paris and Museum Saint Guislain in Gent, Belgium, among others. She self-published a book called ‘ísland’ in 2012 that sold out. In 2014 she published a postcard version of this book. In 2015 she made a commissioned work ‘Not seeing is a Flower’ in collaboration with the Flanders centre in Osaka. This was published in the catalog called Facing Japan. Her latest project ‘Land of Nothingness’ is made in Namibia and exhibited in the Robert Mann Gallery in New York.

Liu Bolin

Liu Bolin is a contemporary artist born in China’s Shandong province, who specialises in self-portraits where he is disguised to match his surroundings. He earned his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Shandong College of Arts in 1995 and his Master of Fine Arts from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing in 2001. “In 1972, Liu was allowed to attend college in Beijing, where she studied until 1975. Following graduation, she attended graduate school at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. Socialist Realism supplied the guiding principles at both schools, and there was very little room for deviation.”

Art hacker:

Art hacker is the point where the model is hidden in the photo, having paint painted on them the same as their background, they are clearly camouflaged into the background. He says “The point of my Hacker Series is to question the relationship between a country and its people, the domination of a government’s political power, as well as the rights to the photos themselves,” says Liu. Liu Bolin’s first series, Hiding in the City, began in 2005.

I believe that hiding in the photos shows a sense of fear and terror, the fact that every little detail is included in the photos shows that the artists have a good perspective on life and never miss out any important things, this helps me to see that this is related to real life events and you should always pay attention to what’s around you as you never know when you may see these people, places or events again.

Liu Bolin, shows in his photography work that he holds no emotions in the photos to represent a neutral emotion, it makes it harder to identify a person in the photo. This is the artists way of doing a silent protest against the Chinese government’s policies. 

Here, it shows how the artists gets ready to take their photograph, it also shows us how their photoshoot is set up and how every detail counts to be able to blend in. We can see that the artist has placed himself in a position and area the best for him, we can see the artist painting on the model and another lady also showing the model what the painting look like so far. From this photo the painting doesn’t look that detailed however from far away you can see all the detailed and barely see that someone is blended in the building or surrounding. The artist is really talented and made sure to have the right colour to match the surroundings and not make it look odd or out of place.

I really like this artists as it helps me to get different opinions and perspectives of the world and how people let the world shape meaning in their lives, for example I feel that this artists can might show an opinion on the world quite positively and helps us understand why everyone is different and why our opinions should be heard and why we should be seen as a person however i do believe that this could make people feel the opposite as the artist is blended into the buildings and surrounding’s meaning that they are trying to blend in with everything/ everyone else, they aren’t standing out or being their selves they would rather be seen as everyone else as they are too afraid to be seen as ‘different’ and would rather stay ‘normalized’ like everyone. The artist has put a lot of thought to show that everyone has an opinion in whatever way they show it. He wants to show people the power of the photograph itself and how the photo holds the domination of a government’s political power.

What would make the photograph look really cool is if they painted on the model in black and white so that the model stands out but we can still clearly see the details used in the photo. Although I feel that it would be a lot harder to create the same effect as not all details and shades would match up perfectly, but it would make the model stand out a lot more and create that meaning of being your own person and having your own thoughts.

If I were to recreate this I would use a projector to project an image onto a person, this would help create the image that technology has shaped this society and people these days cant live without technology. This would be an easier way for me to take photos with as I don’t have the skill to paint a background on a person. Although my photos wont have the same effect as lio Bolin’s work but it would have a similar effect.