All posts by Anya Blair



Photography Quiz

Q1: What is the etymology (origin & history) of the word photography? 

The etymology of the word photography is writing with light. 

Q2: What year was the first photograph made in camera? 

The year was 1826 (Joseph Nicéphore Niépce)

Q3: When did the first photograph of a human appear? 

The first photograph appeared in1838 (Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre)

Q4: Who made the first ‘selfie’? 

Robert Cornelius (1839) made the first selfie. 

Q5: When did the first colour photograph appear? 

The first colour photograph appeared on 1861 (James Clerk Maxwell) 

Q6: What do we mean by the word genre? 

Genre means a style or category of art. 

Q7: What do we mean by the genre of still-life? 

Genre of still-life means an image that shows inanimate objects from the natural or man-made world. 

Q8: What was the main purpose of the Pictorialist movement? 

The main purpose is to record reality. 

Q9: How do we describe the term documentary photography? 

The term documentary photography means an interpretation of reality as witnessed by the photographer. 

Q10: What is exposure in photography 

Exposure in photography means the amount of light that reaches your camera’s sensor. 

Q11: What controls exposure on your camera? 

Aperture, shutter speed, ISO 

Q12: What control on our camera records moving objects? 


Q13: How do we explain depth of field? 

A view across a field. 

Q14: What factors affect Depth of Field? 

Lens aperture, distance from camera to subject, and lens focal length. 

Q15: What is composition in photography? 

Composition is the arrangement of visual elements within the frame.

Q16: What is your understanding of aesthetics in art? 

Aesthetics in art means concerned with the nature of beauty and taste. 

Q17: What are contextual studies in photography? 

To provide historical, cultural and theoretical understanding of images. 

Q18: How many images are captured on average every day worldwide? 

6.9 billion 

Q19: Which portrait is the most reproduced in the world? 

The Queen (Elizabeth II)