For my photobook, i made it in lightroom classic. To make this, you go to the personal study folder, then select all using ctrl A. Go back into top collections, create collection inside of personal study, in a separate folder. Click book, then create. Drag in new images and create save book. Images are at the bottom can drop and drag them in, use zoom button and favourite different templates. Use right click too add pages.

I then played around wit the sizes of the photos on the book to see what i liked. I did this until i got the layout that suited me.

I colour coded all my images so that i could put them all in to one folder where all my best images were. All my green images were the ones i wanted to include in the book.

For my title. it took me a while to decide. I picked Captured and Misunderstood, as I wanted to emphasise that teenagers are NOT who they hang around with, nor what they do. I wanted to show how a lot of us are misunderstood all down to stereotypes of the wrong type of teenagers.
- How successful was your final outcomes (book, film, prints etc)?
I like the way my book turned out. The pictures were what i was going for and I like the way they are edited. I also really like my title as I believe it created meaning.
- Did you realise your intentions?
At the start no, but as I started gathering pictures it all became clear to me.
- What references did you make to artists references?
I have looked at Nick Haymes photographs, and decided I really liked his work. I tried to stick with his style of photography with a lot of texture making it look as realistic as possible.