white space left for illustration post printing
silhouetted picture of the fairy to peak interest and speculation
more clear image of the fairy but still dimly lit
the fairy is being slowly revealed as its approached, here we get our first glimpse of our nervous figure
clear presentation of the fairy in the wild, indicated to be the size of small trees
image above provided to atmosphere as our protagonist of revealed more and more and appears very tense
protagonist is pictured falling
clear, detailed and intimidating pictures of the fairy – he is close
the fairy becomes more and more obscured through a series of three images – the fairy leaves
change of stories + brief informational page about witches seats ( bellow and above )
atmosphere setting
first view of the protagonist – establishing setting
we can see more and more of her but not quite
witch is revealed but the face is still obscured with shaddow and hair
witch looks to be running
religious and occult influence
protagonist is seeming upset with unknown hand on her face
hands and face are bound and eyes bore into the viewer
back cover