My best images
To conclude, I think this photoshoot is my favourite from the five photoshoots I have executed for my personal study project. This is because I took a unique approach compared to my other shoots, as it has a different location and I am portraying a different aesthetic to the others. This photoshoot took inspiration from Ramona Wang, as I have exploited my subject the same way she has, through the use of doing typical female activities to represent the stereotypes. I am wearing a vintage fur jacket over a red dress, which highlights the significance of women existing only to look pretty. On the other hand, a disadvantage of this shoot is that all of my best outcomes look the same or very similar, so I decided to put some in black and white i order to allow them to stand out, and also so that the viewer can pick up the minor differences between each image.
What I think went well:
- Subject expression – the facial expressions of the subject are successful as they represent the photographic gaze
- The props – the clothing helps add to the dramatic effect and symbolise women being objectified
- Portraying typical female activities – links to my themes of femininity and youth due to me getting ready for a night out, and these themes are associated with young women
What I think I could improve:
- Range of camera positions – my camera position is the same in most of the images, limiting the uniqueness in each one.