Evaluation of photoshoot 3

My best images:

In conclusion, my third photoshoot for my personal study went successfully. I believe I carried out a similar approach to Kurland very well, and I think it will be easy for the viewer to interpret who my artist inspiration was. Each of my final outcomes were carefully chosen when I was editing, for the purpose of expressing different emotions and connections between the girls. I chose the ones that I think resembled Kurland’s series best, and highlight the overall themes of my project.

What I think went well:

  • Location of my photoshoot was good – different from the first shoot I executed inspired by Kurland
  • Lighting of my shoot – due to the time of day I took my photos, the overall lighting in all the images is perfect for my editing process.
  • Subjects – they presented their roles and the relationships between them very well, similar to Kurland. For example, contact with each other and helping each other

What I think I could improve on:

  • Although the setting of this shoot was effective, I should have experimented with different scenery. For example, big empty roads to show that the girls are exploring alone
  • Camera settings – I did not adjust the shutter speed of the camera effectively, meaning some of my outcomes were not in full focus due to a moving subject

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