Hard cover analysis –

1. Write a book specification and describe in detail what your book will be about in terms of narrative, concept and design with reference to the same elements of bookmaking as above.

Narrative: What is your story?
Describe in:

  • 3 words

My child hood.

  • A sentence

My experience growing up, the good bad and interesting.

  • A paragraph

My story will portray the growth and understanding of my childhood. Exploring the hardships and importance of growing up and the individuality of each persons story.

Design: Consider the following

  • How you want your book to look and feel

I want my book to be a hard cover book, I want it to be heavy too.

  • Paper and ink

I want the paper on the inside of my book to be thick, durable and sturdy. Almost to symbolise skin, as weird as that sounds.

  • Format, size and orientation

I want my book to be as big as an A4 sheet of paper, big enough to catch someone’s eye but not too big to bother.

  • Binding and cover

I think my front cover should be a portrait photo, almost like a school photo or ‘mug shot’ of me, well not actually me but a model.

  • Title 

‘ROOTS’ – I had black hair growing up and since I’m naturally ginger, my roots would show as my hair grew. And since I’m talking about my childhood, my roots, I thought it was fitting.

  • Design and layout

I want there to be a photo on each page, each photo couple to contradict each other.

  • Images and text

The title of each photograph will be in the bottom right corner of each page in small simple text.

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