Personal Study: Typologies

I have decided to make a Typology Study of Railings as I had 9 edited images of them.

Typology 1

I made this Typology by, firstly opening up a template a made in photoshop. I made this Grid Template during the Portraiture project. I then added each of my images in to Photoshop on top of the grid.

I then played around with the images, deciding on where to put them and this is my final result:

This is my final typology. There is a range of different types of railings which can be categorised together as they all have the same function. I personally think that, if I had more photos of railings to choose from, I could have made this typology better, however, I had exactly 9. This is because I don’t think some of the images are as strong as other and, due to the formatting of my grid, some have been cropped badly.

Typology 2

I then decided to also do a typology of images where I have taken the photo of the building by looking up at it. Here is the final result:

This is another typology which I decided to do. I attempted to form a grid of images that can be linked by the way in which they have been photographed from. The images in this typology have all been photographed from below, looking up at the building. I’m not sure that this typology works as I expected it to as it’s not obvious when you look at it what I was trying to do and the buildings are all of a different architectural style. Furthermore, these buildings all function differently and were made for different purposes. This makes it less of a typology and more just a grid displaying images.

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