“Explore the dichotomies of the characteristics between the day and the night.”
‘Photographs are perhaps the most mysterious of all the objects that make up, and thicken, the environment we recognize as modern. ‘(Sontag 1977:4)
During the day, the natural sunlight brings energy, clearness of the landscapes around and life to the world around us, however, at night the same landscapes/spaces give a sense of mysteriousness, loneliness and emptiness. These changes not only alter the location/setting itself but the emotional impact it has on those who experience it. The contrast between the day and night creates a powerful effect, one where the light and shadow shape the way we perceive the environment as well as the way we engage with it emotionally. My personal study focuses on the polarity between day and night, specifically how the shift from day to night creates different judgement of areas, time and emotion. To explore this theme, I have chosen to analyse the work of William Eggleston and Todd Hido, these two photographers approach the use of light, colour and the setting in unique ways. Eggleston`s photography captures the ordinary in extraordinary ways, differently Hido`s style of photography highlights isolation and mystery. In addition, I will include Pierre Putman, whose work compliments both artists by offering a different perspective on the play between light and shadow. Putman’s cinematic photographs focus on solitary dark urban settings, where artificial lighting and glowing lampposts create a dreamlike, interesting scenery, turning empty streets into powerful, emotional stories. I will respond to their work by featuring both daytime and night-time images, influenced by the work of these three artists, in my final photobook.