Essay Plan
Make a plan that lists what you are going to write about in each paragraph – essay structure
- Essay question:
- Opening quote
“In the past, photographs of women were made by men for a capitalist economy to favour the male gaze and feed female competitiveness” By Charlotte Jansen.
“No genuine social revolution can be accomplished by the male” by Valerie Solanas.
Plan- stereotypes are inevitable and there will always be some in society. / a social norm The first reference to stereotype in English was in 1850, as a noun that meant ‘image perpetuated without change’. Are female stereotypes caused by a male?
Agree- patriarchal society in the past/ male dominated which caused these lower authority stereotypes for females. Stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination often come from: inequalities in society. Began through inequalities links to feminist movements and suffrage.
disagree- Social norm. It’s human nature to categorize people. Subconsciously natural. Stereotype
The word ‘Feminist’ is often misinterpreted. Somehow the adjective advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights between women and men, has been constructed into ‘man hater’. My area of study is female stenotypes and how they differ through the years, however my argument is whether female stereotypes are formed by men in a patriarchal society. Initially, stereotypes are inevitable in society as they are a social norm. Unconsciously as humans we make stereotypes, the first reference to stereotype in English was in 1850, as a noun that meant ‘image perpetuated without change’. This predominately suggests the growth women fought for during the feminist movements as their stereotypes changed successfully. However, my other side of my study is that stereotypes for females were caused by inequalities due to a male dominated society as it caused hierarchies. This is because of expectations men have on women from the beginning such as the traditional housewife and their role to serve men. The artists I have chosen to study are Cindy Sherman and Nan Goldin as I believe they effectively portray gender politics and stereotypes. Sherman executed this through dressing up, posing and photographing her self in different scenarios. Sherman effectively critiques the way women are portrayed in popular media. These images challenge the viewer to question their preconceived notions about identity and the roles society imposes upon women. At first, she photographs herself playing a traditional role men expected women to be, such as a housewife. Not only this, she photographed others and herself suggesting their struggle with their own identity. Nan Goldin, she expresses her view on stereotypes through a different sense. Goldin expressed her experience on domestic abuse during a relationship by photographing her own wounds for female empowerment. This makes me think about the key features of stereotypes such as strong vs weak. For example, her image that stood out to me the most ‘Buzz and Nan at the Afterhours, New York City1980′ represented male roles such as dominant and confident in contrast to naïve and vulnerable as women. However, I was mostly inspired by her New York city night club and bar photographs as it expressed intimacy, the isolation of abuse and hierarchy. I will be responding to both of their work by including all of my inspiration from these artists and putting it in an order of a time line, specifically to the feminist movement waves and how the stereotypes changed through each wave, from the first to the fourth.
- Pg 1 (500 words): Historical/ theoretical context within art, photography and visual culture relevant to your area of study. Make links to art movements/ isms and some of the methods employed by critics and historian.
- Pg 2 (500 words): Analyse first artist/photographer in relation to your essay question. Present and evaluate your own images and responses.
- Pg 3 (500 words): Analyse second artist/photographer in relation to your essay question. Present and evaluate your own images and responses.
- Conclusion (250-500 words): Draw parallels, explore differences/ similarities between artists/photographers and that of your own work that you have produced
- Bibliography: List all relevant sources used
Literary sources/ key text